Page 52 of Restless Omega
He grabs his crotch like a gentleman. “I’ll give you something that'll shut you up."
I gag, bile rising in my throat, fury flushing my entire body. "I'll bite it off if you put it anywhere near me."
"That’s not going to be necessary. Joe here is going to slink back home and stay there until I return with the police and the mayor's alphas to deal with his disgusting ass." An elegant male alpha who smells like figs and cognac steps up next to me, glaring at the other alpha in utter disgust.
He puts himself the slightest bit in front of me, subtly protecting me from Joe. Of course this jackass’ name is Joe.
Joe postures for a moment, but it doesn’t take long for him to turn tail and run back the way he came. Fucking prick.
I scoff, watching until the shithead completely disappears. “At best, he'll get a fine."
The alpha who smells so good shakes his head, his blue eyes icy. “Not here. Sadly, it still won't be as much as it should be, but you shouldn't have to worry about him again."
I finally slide the tube back in my pocket. “Thank you."
He shrugs, and smiles at me. “You were holding your own just fine. Honestly, I was more concerned about what you'd do to him. You're in enough trouble at the moment, figured you didn't need more."
“Word sure does travel fast around here." I snort and shake my head, a deep weariness settling over me.
Not even his mouth-watering scent can pull me out of my gloom. Or his beauty. His frosty blue eyes, neat dark curls, his incredibly muscular build.
Nope, not today, Satan.
He nods. “Small towns. Everyone knows everyone's business. Especially something juicy like a rebel omega."
"Of course." I rub at my face, wishing I could magically appear inside my nest and stay there for the next twenty years.
"Can I escort you wherever you're headed? Maybe it'll keep everyone else at a distance."
I shrug. “Sure. Thanks."
"Am I going to be needed, by the way?" I ask.
His brow furrows. “For what?"
I gesture in the direction Joe headed. “A report on that alpha?"
"Possibly, but my statement should hopefully be enough. I witnessed almost the whole thing."
"I don't mind pressing charges if the need arises."
I'm already public enemy number one, might as well pile on, it won't make much of a difference.
He nods. “I'll let you know."
We fall into an almost companionable silence as we walk side by side on the sidewalk.
“I’m Callan, by the way,” he suddenly breaks the silence to say.
“Aurora.” I’m sure he already knows, but I fulfill my part in the pleasantries anyway.
"Are you all right?"
I stumble at his question. “What?"
"I mean, other than the lovely encounter you just had to suffer through." He winces. "And all the bullshit with the exchange program."