Page 103 of If We Were Perfect (If Love 4)
Cassidy was the first to break it. She ran around the table and hugged Olivia; she’d grown a lot better at showing physical affection over the years. “Congratulations! That’s amazing.”
The dam broke, and Olivia was soon inundated with more hugs and congratulations. They all looked genuine except for Logan, who sulked in the corner, and Olivia gradually relaxed.
This wasn’t so bad.
Michael was the last to approach her. After some small talk, he said, “You may already know this, but we updated our parental leave policy last year. More paid time off, plus flexible work arrangements after you return to the office. Take advantage of them—you’re only a new parent once.”
“Thank you,” Olivia said with a touch of wariness. She examined her boss’s face for any signs he was upset about her pregnancy, but she couldn’t find anything amiss.
“I mean it. Don’t be afraid to use all those benefits. It won’t affect your career trajectory here.” Michael cleared his throat. “There’s a...stigma against expecting parents in certain parts of our industry, but PHC has always prided itself on being forward-thinking and inclusive.”
Olivia guessed the greater female representation on the board and roster of partners helped, too.
“I appreciate that,” she said. “I’ll definitely keep it in mind.”
“Please do. My daughter works in finance, too,” Michael added. “Hedge fund. Refused to take my advice and go into private equity, but what can you do? I know how hard it was for her when she started out. It’s still hard, even though she’s a senior executive now. But you take it one day at a time.”
Olivia murmured her agreement.
In an ideal world, Michael would promote female-friendly work policies even if his daughterdidn’twork in finance, but she’d take her wins where she could find them.
The rest of the day passed in a blur and soon, she was in an Uber on her way to her first ultrasound appointment.
Olivia unfolded the note Lizzy had handed her earlier and frowned. Was that...a recipe?
It took her a minute to realize it wasn’t just any recipe—it was the recipe for Wah Sing’s shrimp dumplings, the one she’d always wanted but had never been able to get.
Sammy had scrawled a short note at the bottom of the page:I love you and dim sum.
A play on the phrase “I love you and then some.” The man loved his food puns, as evidenced by the growing collection of food pun prints in their kitchen.
Olivia burst into laughter, ignoring the strange look her driver shot her in the rearview mirror.
God, she loved her husband.
* * *
“Is this everyone,or will more people be joining us?” The sonographer, who’d introduced herself as Mykah, raised her eyebrows at the dozen people crammed inside the room.
“This is it.” Amy waved an impatient hand in the air. “So? Do I have a grandson or granddaughter?”
“Do I have a godson or goddaughter?” Farrah asked at the same time, leaning forward like she could somehow see better even though she was watching through a screen instead of in person.
Sammy adjusted the phone so Farrah, Courtney, and Kris could get a clearer view of Olivia.
Mykah laughed. “I’m afraid it’s too early for that—” A collective sigh of disappointment. “—but we should have that information at the second routine scan if the mother would like to know the gender ahead of time.”
“Trust me, she does,” Kris said. She was sitting in what looked like her bedroom. “Liv loves planning for stuff.”
Everyone laughed, because it was true.
“It never hurts to be prepared,” Olivia said primly, eliciting another round of laughter.
Then the technician got to work, and Olivia gripped Sammy’s hand, waiting with bated breath while Mykah spread gel over her abdomen and moved the ultrasound device over her stomach until she found what she was looking for.
An image flickered onto the screen, and everyone gasped.
Olivia's and Sammy’s grips tightened on each other at the same time.No way.She couldn’t breathe. Her heart was pounding, pounding so loud she might go deaf from it.