Page 104 of If We Were Perfect (If Love 4)
“Is that—”
“Yes.” Mykah smiled, her eyes twinkling. “Everything looks fine...and you’re having twins.”
The room erupted into cheers and laughs.
Sammy’s mother was so excited she swooned—her husband and Kevin caught her just in time—and Olivia swore she saw Alina dab tears from her eyes.
“Two for the price of one!” Natalie crowed, earning herself several glares. “What? We all know Liv wanted twins.”
“We’re having twins.” Olivia couldn’t believe it. “We’re having twins!”
Sammy kissed her, hard and fast. Either his eyes were teary or hers were. Probably both. It didn’t matter.They were having twins!
“It’s in your five-year plan. The universe wouldn’t dare mess it up,” he joked, but he sounded choked up.
Olivia laughed. “Final test is when we find out the gender. Fingers crossed for a girl and a boy.”
Even as she said it, she knew she didn’t care. Two girls, two boys, one girl and one boy...she’d love them regardless.
While their friends and family chattered away in excitement, she asked the question she’d been dying to ask since they arrived. “How did you get that recipe?”
Sammy’s eyes crinkled at the corners. “A man has to keep some secrets.”
“Seriously? I’m pregnant and hormonal. You don’t want to mess with me.”
His shoulders shook with laughter. “Let’s make a deal—I’ll tell if you can make those dumplings from scratchandthey taste similar to Wah Sing’s. And if we don’t get food poisoning,” he added.
Olivia scowled. “You have a death wish, Mr. Yu.”
“Good thing you love me so much, Mrs. Yu.” He brushed his lips over hers again. “Otherwise, I’d be concerned.”
She grumbled and pretended to be upset, but in reality, Olivia had never been happier—even if her husband insisted on making fun of her kitchen skills. Like jeez, the food poisoning thing happened over a decade ago. Let it go. And yeah, she might’ve almost set the kitchen on fire last month, but that wasn’t her fault—some things just happened to be extremely flammable.
Olivia rested her hand over her stomach, her heart already bursting with love for the newest members of their family, and as she looked around atallthe people she called family—both by blood and by choice—she realized she’d finally found home.