Page 20 of The Monster in Me
Chapter 10
Weeks Later
My phone falls to the floor, a loud thud sounding as it hits the gravel beneath me. “Jade are you there?” I can hear Bass’s voice coming from the speaker but I can’t get myself to answer. Physically, I can’t speak. His words ring violently in my ear, drowning me in a river of dread.There was a fire, it caused an explosion and Servite Manor is gone. Your sister and Ace were taken to the safehouse, they’re unconscious but they’ll be okay Jade.
Unconscious. A fire. Another goddamn explosion. Once again my sister’s life is in danger because of the fucking monsters in this place. Hidden in plain sight or lurking in the darkness, they’re all fucking here. After the crash where Ace was taken captive by his uncle, Scarlett was taken to the hospital with a concussion and some minor bruising and scrapes, but now eighteen, she was able to check herself out against doctor’s orders. However, Sebastian and I forced her to come to Ace’s beach house, not letting her run off after him like she was planning to do. We needed a plan, so here we were planning to keep her locked up in his bedroom until we’d figure out what the fuck we were going to do to get him back without sending her into the lion’s den. But not all of us were on the same page. Alek of all people, along with that whore Scar brought back from the Gallows, Remi, or something, decided for once to do the “right” thing and helped her plot her escape. Alek then came back to the house for help after dropping her off at Servite Manor, and the worst part was it wasn’t until that very moment that we realized she was gone. Bass and Alek took off after her and Ace, but Beckett stayed back to make sure I didn’t go running after them. Alek said he’d promised Scarlett to keep me away from the mess she was in, but I’m not sure when it was that he started promising my sister anything. Maybe around the time he found out they were cousins.
It had been too long without any word from the guys, and I was getting restless just sitting around doing nothing. I decided to take a walk along the path leading out to the deck at the edge of the water when I received the call. My blood dropped to my feet, my heart ached with worry that something bad was going to happen to my sister. When I finally regained my composure I ran back to the house, finding Beckett on the phone just outside the door.
“I’ll call you back, she just got here,” he murmurs, hanging up his phone and shoving it in his pocket.
“Take me to her now!” I shout out, my body shaking in anger as Beckett watches me not giving away his reaction.
“Bass said it’s best if you wait for him here…”
“I don’t give a fuck what Bass said, take me to see my sister or I swear I’ll find a way to get there my goddamn self.” My blood is boiling at this point, my rage clouding my judgement as I yell at the undeserving, charismatic Beckett Masters. But unlucky for him Sebastian isn’t here, which means my volatile anger has to be directed at someone.
“Jade, come on we won’t be able to do anything there. They’re safe I promise you. Servite, Lilith, and Macallan are dead,” he says, his posh accent making the news sound less dire than it is.
The four-letter word that comes out of his mouth is the last thing I expected to hear. Lilith and Servite are dead, the house exploded, and Scarlett and Ace are unconscious, yet they still want me not to worry. “I don’t give a fuck Beckett. Take me to my sister, I won’t ask you again.”
He shakes his head seemingly exasperated, his light brown longer than usual falling upon his thick brows, before nodding in agreement. “Fine, but when we get there you’re the one that has to explain to Bass how you convinced me to take you.”
“Fine, I’ll take the blame so your boy doesn’t spank you for disobeying,” I mock, realizing that’s not exactly the right thing to say when I’m trying to convince him to help me out, but saying the right thing has never been my forte.
“I swear you girls are going to be the fucking end of us. Must be some magical puss you’re giving him to have him so dead set on keeping you out of trouble,” he sneers, and although it’s quite insulting for some reason it doesn't feel like one coming from him.
I flick my ponytail over my shoulder, turning and flaunting my ass, which looks damn good by the way in my signature cut off jean shorts nearly baring my ass, as I look over my shoulder at him. His dark blue eyes give me a once over before shaking his head as a wide grin appears in place of his scowl. “You have no fucking idea.”
We arrived at the safehouse, just on the outskirts of Pleasant Hills in under an hour. It would have been thirty minutes if Beck hadn’t refused to let me drive his precious Rover. I’ve been here a few times over the last few weeks, once with Sebastian after Scarlett ran off to work at the Gallows with the creeper Wesley Servite and they dragged me there to explain everything that had happened between her and Servite. It’s when I found out that Maxwell Smoak, Alek’s uncle I’d never heard of, was in reality Scarlett’s biological father. I know, plot twist right? Well that isn’t even the best part. Turns out he only fathered her because Scar’s psycho bitch of a mother drugged him and took advantage of him all at Wesley Servite’s command. Long story short, Maxwell’s girlfriend Gianna, who Wesley was in love with and was apparently Lilith’s stepsister, killed herself after her broken heart couldn’t handle it anymore. Her demons won, and that’s why Gianna’s long lost brother Franco Marchesi, some mob boss or something that was hiding undercover as Servite Academy’s English Professor Evan Macallan, was here to enact revenge.
Some twisted shit really, and somehow my big sister got herself caught up in the demonic soap opera. The next few times I came here were to plot how in the world we were going to get her back. She was threatened by Marchesi with something big that convinced her to turn her back on all of us, but we weren’t sure what it was. We’d finally gotten her back, only to lose her once again. And if I lose her completely because of them, all hell is going to break loose.
Jumping out of the Rover before Beck even parks the car in the driveway of the small cabin like house, I run up to the front door, throwing it open utterly surprised by what I see. It’s much smaller than the houses I’ve been in recently, but still larger than the ones I grew up in. I find the living room completely trashed, a trail of blood scattered along the floor leading to the hallway toward the back of the house. I strut over slowly, my mind swirling with worse case scenarios and vivid images of the gruesome scene I’m about to come face to face with, but nothing compares to what I am about to see.
Because the scene before me is so much worse.
I hear hushed whispers that turn into loud yells, voices I recognize, Scarlett, Ace, the other two Horsemen. But there is one more who isn’t as loud as the others, but still sounds vaguely familiar. I figured enough was enough, I won't wait any longer, I won’t stand here and wait to be let in or contacted now that it is obvious my sister is conscious.
Just as I am about to enter, the familiar voice I can’t quite recognize is the next to speak.
“I can’t Scarlett, I can’t look my little sister in the eye and tell her what her big brother has become. A puppet, a criminal, a murderer, someone she’d be so ashamed of.”
My body stills at the sound of this not so stranger's voice, his words echoing through me sending a feeling of something inconceivable through my veins. Something cold, dark, and ominously melancholic.
“You’re her family Roman, her brother. She will forgive you for that, you know she will.”
Roman. Brother. My sister’s words haunt me, but not as much as what my brother says next.
“But I can’t Scar, how will I ever be able to come clean to her. How will I ever be able to admit it was me who shot and killed our father in cold blood.”
Roman killed our father.