Page 21 of The Monster in Me
This can’t be happening, what I’m hearing can’t be true. I barge in unannounced, pushing the door open as I come to stand under the doorway. A loud cry escapes from deep within me, my eyes going wide, glaring stunned at the sight before me.
My sister’s laid out on a small bed in the middle of the room, clearly covered in bloody gashes, scrapes, and bruises, Ace by her side looking just as bad if not worse with a bandage around his arm and torso, but what stuns me most, are the figures at her feet. Bass stands there blankly staring at me with a look of rage mixed with guilt spread across his perfectly rugged face, but it’s the figure beside him that has the blood running through my veins turning ice cold. It’s the face of a man I never thought I'd see again, yet the only person I’ve wished every night for the past six years I’d once again come face to face with.
Now as he stares at me, with nothing but a look of disappointment. I can’t help but feel the anger rise in me like a mountain of regret washing over me, drowning me. Regret for wishing I'd see him again. Regret, for trusting anyone standing here in this room, when I’ve been the fool they’ve been laughing at this whole time.
I see fucking red.
So I do the only thing I’m good at. The only thing that at this very moment makes sense.
I run.
My blood is scalding hot, searing my alabaster skin, threatening to drain free from my body, and flowing endlessly on the marble floors beneath me. Like red paint scattering around the shiny limestone, a pool of my own remains. My heart is pumping erratically, my vision red and fading out, dark spots covering the sights before me as my mind goes in and out of darkness. I push past Beckett, swinging the front door open, stepping out into the cold night, being swallowed by the darkness of the sky above me. The woods before me looking ominously dangerous, seem like the perfect escape from the monsters lurking in the shadows threatening to consume me.
But he’s the ultimate monster I must escape.
There he was. My brother, standing wordlessly before me looking nothing like the last time I saw him. His hair longer and disheveled, his body covered in tattoos, and those green eyes just like mine clouded with shock and guilt as he stood there watching me. Stained with disappointment, as he blatantly confessed to killing my father
Chaz is dead.
I feel an odd sense of relief, to never have to worry about seeing his face again, but as I stared at the group in front of me, as I watched my brother standing before my friends acting like he knew them, Scarlett, Ace, Bass, all with knowing glances upon their telling faces, the only thing I felt was betrayal.
Especially fromhim. After all I gave him, after I gave him everything I could and so much more, Sebastian Silver just went and betrayed me leaving me alone like everyone else has, like they always do.
There was only one thing I could do.
So I ran. Ran as fast as my legs could take me. Ran with no end in sight. Ran with nowhere to run to. And I knew no one would follow. All I knew was I needed to get away from these monsters around me.
But what will happen when I have to come face to face with my destined fate? What will become of me when I must come to grips with my new reality, the monster living inside me?