Page 56 of The Monster in Me
“About three years,” Roman answers, shocking me once again. Three years, yet if it weren’t for the trash lying around, I’d think he’d have just moved in. “Before here I was staying at some cheap motel Wesley rented out for hisemployees. Once I proved my loyalty, I took up residence here.”
“Now that the boss is dead, how’d you manage to keep the place?” I ask, mockingly yet with serious interest.
“Well let’s say I still have friends in high places.” Roman walks over to the refrigerator in his small, attached kitchen, grabbing a beer, and turning to Liam and me wordlessly asking if we want one. I shake my head and assume Liam does the same when Roman closes the fridge and pops open the beer bottle with his teeth. “So what do you want to know?”
I look up at him slightly confused, until I remember why I’m here. “The Order, Kane Dalton, who are they?”
“I must admit it’s been awhile since I heard that name, however given your recent sexcapades I’m not surprised you’ve heard of him,” Roman utters, moving over to the couch facing the television.
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” I ask, irritated by his insinuations. He drops down on the couch, chugging down half the beer before he speaks.
“The Silver’s, they’re pretty close to Dalton and his crew of merry men. Stephan and Kane are quite the pair and now with Wesley gone, I can imagine thatfriendshiphas only gotten stronger.”
“I don’t understand, what does Kane do that Stephan would be involved in?”
“Well on top of being an old money billionaire, your dear daddy-in-law is the owner of two of the most successful, illegal, underground casinos on this side of the country, along with some other nefarious businesses, such as his drug empire, I’m sure not many know about. Stephan Silver is the King of The Underworld and every king needs an army.” At this point my mind is already reeling with hundreds of questions, “That’s where Dalton and his goons come in. Kane Dalton is the head of one of the oldest, largest, and most infamousgangsin the world. His outlaws traded their motorcycles for Bugatti’s and their cuts for thousand-dollar suits. Money, power, prestige, and notoriety. The ideology they claim to follow,The New Doctrine Of Social Order,is some elitist bullshit their predecessors came up with in order to preserve the social hierarchy of those who find themselves in the top 1%. If you ask me, they are nothing but a bunch of self-righteous egomaniacs who hide behind theirpurposein order to remain in power.”
“I don’t understand…”
“Think of them as your modern-day mafia, only worse. Kane has his toes dipped in every possible illegal scheme you can imagine from drugs, guns, human trafficking, trained hitmen...”
“Like you,” I murmur, knowing it is probably not the best thing to bring up with Liam in the room, but also not able to hold back my snide remark.
Roman smiles wide, a wicked chuckle leaving him as he stares behind me. I can only imagine the look on Liam’s face as all of this unravels before him. “I assure you sis, taking out our old man was no paid hit, I was more than happy to take care of that, but essentially yes, I am not going to deny that I was Wesley’s hitman,” he takes a swig of his beer before continuing, “I’m trying this new truth thing with you.”
“Well it all makes more sense to me now, especially the comment from one of his goons. He said Kane liked his girls of legal age, I assume that was the trafficking he was referring to,” I mumble more to myself than to the room, but I can tell Roman still hears me as he sits forward.
“You’ve talked to him?” Roman asks, suddenly his mood becoming bleakly serious.
“That doesn’t matter, what matters is that he knows who I am. He summoned me about a week ago, I’m sure it was just some measly scare tactic but it proved he’s going to be around, which means I need to be prepared, know what I’m going up against.”
“What you need to do is stay the hell away from Dalton. Jade, this isn’t like the shit Scar was involved in with Wesley. Yeah Wes was dangerous and corrupt but his interest in Scar was personal, to him it was more of a sick obsession he couldn’t get over, and it got him killed. Marchesi used her to enact his own revenge and it got him killed. All of it nearly got Scarlett killed.” The mention of everything my sister went through just months ago makes my stomach churn along with the fact that I haven’t been there for her. However, it also reminds me how everyone knew what she was dealing with except for me.
“Scarlett was able to come out of it, not unscathed but she survived, and Kane wants nothing more than to scare me Roman. He thinks I mean something to Sebastian, and somehow that fits into whatever agenda he has with the Silvers, but he’s wrong. There is nothing he can gain from using me.”
Roman disagrees, shaking his head reluctantly. “Don’t underestimate him Jade, Dalton, he’s fucking deranged. I once heard he slaughtered an entire rival drug cartel for the mere fact they sold to someone on the outskirts of his territory. His only goal is to make everyone fear him and remain at the top of his game, and Kane’s known all around the black market as a ruthless son of a bitch. The shit he has with the Silver’s, I don’t know the extent of it other than the fact that Stephan uses The Order as his own personal security detail, though I know it goes much deeper than that. Silver is at the front of the drug scheme here in Hillcrest, The Devil’s Kiss has infiltrated every corner of Pleasant Hills, and beyond, but the drug dealt by The Order, TranQ, it’s fucking addictive not to mention lethal.”
I knew in coming to Roman I’d find out what I needed to know, well enough to begin my dive deeper into his connection to Sebastian, but he doesn’t have to know that. “I’m not going after him Roman,” I say, trying to keep my brother at ease. I don’t need him getting in my way if he’s worried I’d be getting into trouble with The Order. “I’m not planning to go head-to-head or try to take him down like Scarlett foolishly did, but I’m afraid he’s already made it clear he’s interested and I don’t know if I can stay under his radar.”
Before Roman can respond, the front door is kicked open and a frighteningly enraged Sebastian appears under the doorway with Beck standing closely behind him looking equally as pissed.
“When the fuck were you with Kane’s men?” Sebastian shouts, unmistakably furious. Fuck. This is the last thing I need right now.