Page 57 of The Monster in Me
Chapter 23
“You fucking called him!” I shout, turning to Roman who leans back against the couch with his legs crossed and resting atop the coffee table.
His expression however is unreadable, “You really think I’d callhim, come on sis I know it’s been a while but you still know me better than anyone. Why would I call the fucker who’s trying to get in my little sister's pants?” Roman asks, amusement now noticeable in his tone. I glare at him with all my fury as I hear Liam clear his throat and Bass growl in anger behind me.
“First of all Wolfe, I’m nottryingto get in anyone’s pants, I’ve taken up permanent residence in hers,” Bass groans, making me turn abruptly and direct my glare at him, “And second of all...”
“I called him,” Liam blurts out, interrupting Sebastian. Shock riddles my body as I slowly inch toward Liam, who watches me with a sincerely apologetic smile. “I’m sorry Jade, I didn’t know what to expect bringing you to see your brother, and then you guys started talking about murder and some outlaw creeps, it sounded dangerous. I sure as hell don’t think Bass here has the best intentions when it comes to you, but I trust him more than I do your sketchy brother.”
Bass chuckles as he stares at Liam, “Have to give you some credit Quarterback, you aren’t all brawn and no brains after all.”
Ignoring him, I keep my gaze on my so-called friend, “Liam, why would you...”
Sebastian reaches out and grabs me by my elbow, tugging me back toward him. “It doesn’t matter Jade, he did, I’m here, and now we are leaving.” Roman immediately stands, practically jumping over the coffee table and grabbing me by my other arm.
“Get your hands off of my sister Silver,” Roman groans, stepping closer to him, but Bass is quick to meet him, towering over my brother’s measly six-foot stature.
“Back off Wolfe, she is nothing of yours, she stopped being your sister the moment you left her. You abandoned her and left her on her own.” Bass’s hold on me tightens as I try and fail to wriggle out of his grasp.
“I’ve apologized to Jade for that, and now it’s up to her to decide if she forgives me or not, but she can’t do that if she has you trying to control her. I know firsthand what you and your father are capable of and how toxic this world can be for people like us,” Roman scoffs, sounding more serious than I’ve ever heard him.
Bass laughs once again, “Yeah and I know the shit you are capable of too Roman, don’t try to act all innocent now. She sees exactly the kind of man her beloved brother has become and trust me it’s no one she wants to be a part of her life.”
“Enough both of you, I’m so fucking sick and tired of everyone telling me what I should or shouldn’t do, who I should or shouldn’t forgive, how I should or shouldn’t feel,” I’m practically trembling in rage, hurt that everyone around me continues to try and control me and tell me what I should be doing with my life. “Roman,” I murmur, looking up at my brother. “I’m not staying any longer. I got what I came for, and I have a shit load of things I need to work out before I let you back into my life. Five years is a long time,” I turn to Sebastian, “And you, I’m not fucking stupid, you are nothing to me, so don’t treat me like I’m your fucking property. I’m leaving, but it won’t be because you said so and it sure as hell won’t be with you.”
“I’ll drive you back Jade,” Liam says, and I can’t deal with that right now either.
“No, I trusted you Liam and you went behind my back knowing well enough I wanted to do this without Sebastian finding out. It’s why I went to you because I thought you’d understand.”
The hurt in his eyes almost makes me take it all back, but I’m too much of a bitch to back down now. “Jade I’m sorry, I really thought...”
“I know Liam, you thought you were doing the right thing, but one thing you have to understand, I don’t trust easily. Blame the men in my life, or lack thereof steady role models, but bottom line is I have major trust issues. Don’t ever take my trust in you for granted again or you won’t be a part of my life. I can’t afford any more let downs.” I turn away but turn to look at him before exiting. “A word of advice Liam, when Sebastian Silver is concerned, there is no right.”
I stalk out the door, surely with all three of them on my tail, but I don’t look back to check. I make it down the hall, up to where I remember Drake’s apartment is, when suddenly the door to room 212 opens and out walk Kai, Drake, and Jaxon.
“Whoa, whoa slow down there miss,” Kai says, reaching an arm out to halt me. I quickly look up to face him and the surprised look on his face proves he wasn’t expecting to see me here. “Jade, what the fuck are you doing here and running like a crazy woman.”
Before I can answer, Roman and Bass simultaneously shout my name urging the others to direct their gazes to the men charging toward us down the hall.
“Oh shit,” Kai mutters, clearly understanding the dilemma.
“Yeah, oh shit is right,” I sneer, stopping and facing my brother and obliviousbaby daddy.“I tried to say it nicely but you obviously are fucking stupid. Fuck off Sebastian!” I shout, standing with my arms crossed over my chest. His glare travels down to the cleavage surely showing from under my unbuttoned uniform blouse. Men are so pathetically predictable.
“You won’t come with me, you won’t go with the quarterback, and I sure as fuck won’t let you go with him,” he says, pointing back at Roman, “How do you plan on getting back?”
“We’ll take her,” Drake says, stepping further out of the apartment. Sebastian glares toward Drake but Dragon meets his eyes head on with one just as equally fierce, until Beck appears behind us with Liam. Drake’s expression turns slightly wary as he turns toward Beck who now watches him with an unreadable gaze. This is way too much fucking alpha male testosterone for me, I need to find an escape route ASAP.
“Actually,” I say, reaching out to grab Drake’s shoulder. “It’s Spring Break, do you mind if I stay here with you Dragon?”
“Absolutely not,” Sebastian shouts, at the same time Drake, Kai, and Jax all shout, “Hell yeah.”
“Of course you can stay here Jade,” Drake says, turning away from the guys. “The apartment has three bedrooms but the guys can share one, and you’ll have your own.” Kai and Jax grunt in disapproval but Drake gives them a knowing glare, “We did it for years at the foster house, we can do it for a week.”
The guys nod in agreement but if the growling coming from behind me is any indication, Sebastian doesn’t approve. “I won’t let you stay here with them, you don’t want to go back to the girl’s house fine, then you’ll come with me. I’ll cancel my trip and you can stay at the beach house,” Sebastian says, his tone now less lethal.
“Sebastian you can’t,” Beck utters, stepping closer to us. “You’re already walked out, we have to go back. I’m sure that Dragon and his boys will take good care of Jade, make sure she stays safe and out of trouble, after all they’re her family.”