Page 58 of The Monster in Me
“Exactly, and don’t you forget it Horsemen,” Kai groans. “They’re both our family, always will be.” It’s the first time I hear Kai, well, all three of the guys for that matter, talk about Scar as if things are back to the way they were before we came to Servite Academy, but then again I’ve been out of the loop for a while.
“Fuck,” Sebastian groans, closing the space between us as he tucks a loose strand of sweat coated hair behind my ear. The gesture is tender and completely unlike him, especially in front of an audience, but I can’t stop my heart from fluttering as he does. Talk about being fucking bipolar. “Please, stay away from Kane, he’s more dangerous than you can imagine. I’ll explain things as soon as I come back, just please wait for me.”
I nod my head, unable to answer with words. His attention leaves me and is once again back on the guys. “You make sure she doesn’t leave your sight and if she does you call me the instant it happens.”
“We love Jade like a sister Bass, but we’re not her keepers. We tried that with Scar and look where it got us,” Drake says, stealing another glance in their direction, “What I can assure you is we won’t ever let anything happen to her.”
“So you want us to drive you to go get your things?” Drake asks as he sets a beer down in front of me. I stare at the bottle immediately smelling the horrible stench that now makes me gag. Why did I ask to stay here? I won’t be able to hide mysituationif I’m around a bunch of guys who love to eat, drink, and smoke when I can’t drink, smoke, or keep anything down. I need a buffer and I know the perfect one.
“Actually, I was hoping I could call Stella and she could bring me some things, mainly just my clothes, makeup, and other women's necessities, maybe she could even stay here too?” I ask, in my most pleasing tone of voice as I watch their faces immediately stiffen.
“Hah no, the last thing we need is Little Silver dragging her feet around here pining for any tiny bit of attention from Kai,” Jax scoffs mockingly, but it pisses me off. Stella is my friend, one of the realest and best I have, and no one gets to insult her.
“Fuck off Jaxon,” Kai says, interrupting him and beating me to the punch. “She’s not pining for me, we’re friends and she knows that,” he adds, anxiously chugging his beer. Well that’s not exactly defending her but whatever.
“What Jax meant to say is I don’t think we have the space Jade,” Drake states apologetically, “I mean the guys are already bunking together in a smaller bedroom to accommodate you, which I mean we are okay with but...”
“Please Drake, it’s just that I’m sure Scar’s spending the week with Ace at the beach house, she’s always there, and I’m not sure leaving Stella alone with Ruby for a week is safe.”
“Wow man she said please,” Jaxon utters, feigning shock. “Actually now that I think about it, that's perfect, bring Little Silver here, that gives Ruby and I plenty of privacy. I think Jake is staying at the dorms all week so I get to spend it at the girls house with my babe.”
“I thought Ruby kicked your sorry ass to the curb Wylde?” Kai asks, but clearly Jax is not a fan of his inquiry.
Jax moves his hips in a gyrating motion, bringing one hand out to spank the air in front of him, “That’s what she thinks, but my sexy little fire breathing dragon can’t get rid of me that easily, nor does she want to. Nobody knows her body quite like me.”
Drake snarls beside us making Jax step back with his hands raised in resignation. “I won’t even acknowledge that,” he says, as Jax and him turn toward Kai who sits on the couch blankly staring at the baseball game on the television, “As for Stella it’s fine with me Jade but the vote has to be unanimous, it’s a tradition we’re keeping even here in the apartment.”
The guys have always done everything together, ever since before we met them at the foster house. They have a code of sorts they created,any decision that affects the three of them, no matter how big or small, they all have to agree.I guess everything but relationships, because Drake sure as fuck doesn’t approve of Jax fucking his twin sister.
A few moments of silence go by before anyone gives me an answer, making me terribly frustrated. Finally Kai runs a hand through his unruly hair and speaks, “Fine, we’ll let Little Silver stay,” Kai mutters, resigned to the fact he’s outnumbered. “But she’s your responsibility Jade, I’m not suddenly going to stop bringing chicks around because she’s staying here and her little virgin eyes never seen a fucking orgy.”
“Ugh you pig,” I snap back at him, but understand Kai’s reluctance to have Stella around. Especially since it’s so obvious she’s harboring a massive crush on him, but I need her here and just this once I might need to be selfish to ensure my secret is safe. “I’ll handle her, you won’t even know we’re here.”
Technically I showed up to the guys apartment on Thursday and Spring break wasn’t official until after school on Friday but given everything that occurred I decided to ditch the last day and the guys were quick to join me making it a whole event. Pizza, burgers, fries, wings, beer, well for them, I managed to hide mygin and tonicsin my insulated tumbler, dodging any questions about my reluctance to drink, but Stella’s coming over tonight along with my overnight bag for the week, so hopefully she’ll be a welcome distraction. I admit, Stella was strictly against spending a whole week with the guys in their new apartment, but I made it blatantly clear I needed her here with me. Lucky for me, Stella is loyal to the core.
I haven’t shared much with her about myrelationshipwith her cousin but I have a fairly good feeling she knows more than she lets on. I mean, Bass and I aren’t exactly inconspicuous, especially in recent weeks.
However, this week is going to be all about my very own version of R and R. Restart and Reprogram. According to the doctor I went to see last week, I’m about three months along so that gives me about three months before I start showing, if not less. I wasn’t able to get through the whole appointment but the nurse was pretty informative when I first got there. Thank goodness for Sarah who was able to remember everything they said because after my panic attack it was pretty hard to remember the rest of the appointment. I need to figure out what I’m going to do before that happens. Just the thought of walking around with a belly hanging before me makes me nauseous. The good thing is we have two months left of high school here at the academy, which means I can keep things on the down low until then.
Hopefully soon after, I’ll be on the first bus out of this wretched town and off to, well hopefully by then I know where I’m going. I’m sure Stella would leave with me, wherever I decided to go, and although that is incredibly selfish of me, I might just have to take the chance.
A light knocking sound against the door of the guy's apartment, startling us all. Jax and I have taken up the entirety of the coffee table, packing it with boxes upon boxes of food and are comfortably sitting cross legged on the floor before it.
“I got it!” Jaxon shouts, as he jumps up and races toward the front door. “Well hello there Stella,” he answers teasingly, opening the door and revealing an anxious Stella standing on the other side. She’s changed out of her school uniform wearing a light pink pleated skirt with a cream-colored knit sweater and matching knee-high stockings. On her feet, of course, are a pair of wedged, closed-toed pumps, which give me the inkling she’s dressed to impress. Her strawberry blond hair is twirled in loose curls framing her face, pulled back with a dusty rose-colored headband almost matching the shade of her darker roots, giving her complexion a rosier than usual tint, as a light blush creeps over her.
Stella is one of those girls who is always effortlessly beautiful, classy, and chic. She has this aura about her that makes you feel calm when she’s near you. Maybe it’s her innocence, maybe it’s her gentility, or maybe it’s just the fact that given everything she’s dealt with, all the loss, grief, guilt, she remains so positive and bright. We’re freakishly similar, she and I, both parentless, both guilty, both alone, yet I’ve allowed my darkness to consume me and turn me into this volatile, quick fused, and utterly unemotional robot while she’s remained herself. However Stella’s also someone who wears the mandated school uniform as a fashion staple and not just forced attire, so I guess we’re not all that similar.
“Hi Jaxon,” Stella replies, as he motions for her to step inside the apartment, “Ruby said to tell you she’s waiting for you, on her bed in nothing but,” she nervously looks down, tucking her hair behind her ear. “Well check your phone. She asked me to text her when I arrived so you should be…”
She’s interrupted by Jax’s phone ringing loudly. “Holy fuck,” Jax yells, biting his fisted hand as he opens the incoming text message. He cradles his hands around Stella's face kissing her multiple times on each cheek and forehead. “Merci beauté,” he mutters in between smooches. Then he’s gone, out the door, slamming it closed behind him.
Stella’s gaze searches the room and a smile creeps over her when she sees me, but just as fast as it came it instantly turns into a frown. That’s when I know he’s come out of the room. I look back and sure enough Kai is standing in the kitchen grabbing another beer before coming over to sit on the couch beside me. He doesn’t acknowledge Stella’s arrival, simply directs his attention to the delicious pineapple and pepperoni pizza in front of me. I smack his hand away as he tries to sneak one ofmyslices.
“What the hell,” Kai yells, as I scowl at him.