Page 59 of The Monster in Me
“The pineapple pepperoni is mine, you ordered bacon jalapeño, so hands off.” I grab a slice of my pizza bringing it to my lips as I take a bite of the salty, delicious, cheese coated goodness. It smells absolutely delectable. It’s never been an argument, PINEAPPLE BELONGS ON PIZZA! “Stella, want a slice?” I ask, patting the couch cushion on the floor beside me.
She slowly struts to where I sit, gawking at the amount of food splayed out on the coffee table, which is surely enough to feed an army. Or a pregnant chick and three guys with the munchies and super high metabolisms.
“Why the fuck does she get to have one and not me?” Kai groans, grabbing a slice of his pizza and a few hot wings. He licks the flaming lime hot sauce off his fingers and I swear I hear a moan escape from Stella’s lips.
Sure enough when I turn to her she is staring with her mouth wide open, a darker pink flush spreading across her cheeks. “The fact that you have to ask, clearly shows you don’t deserve a slice,” I say, glaring at him and not bothering to explain further. “Stella?”
“Yeah I’ll take a slice,” she says, sitting beside me and reaching over to grab a slice and a few hot wings, but at the same time Kai leans forward and places a hand on her wrist. I hear her gasp as she stares blankly at him unaware of what he’s doing, or why he’s touching her.
“Not so fast doll face,” he mutters in a hushed, breathy tone, calling her by a pet name I’ve never heard before, “Jade doesn’t share her pineapple pizza, I don’t share my hot wings.”
A wide-eyed Stella looks back my way not understanding if Kai’s being serious or just fucking around. I’m afraid I’m not sure what game he’s playing either. Fucking asshole. I knew he didn’t want her staying here but I never thought he’d be purposefully taunting her.
“You can have some of mine,” Drake says, in his deep raspy voice as he joins us in the living room wearing nothing but black jeans hung low on his hips. “Well if you like a little bit of extra spice,” he adds, in a flirtatious tone and with one of his taunting winks. Immediately a dark red flush takes over as Stella nervously plays with the pleats of her skirt. Someone is definitely flustered.
I mean how could she not be, Dragon is standing here half naked looking like the Demi-God of all tattooed, damaged, bad boys. Drake is incredibly hot. I’ve always thought Drake to be the perfect morph between Harry Styles and the terrifyingly sexy Bill Skarsgard. It sounds crazy I know, but it fucking works. Those two perfect jawlines, jet black hair slightly long at the moment, cat-like green eyes, and a smolder that would make any girl, or woman, fall to their knees. Combine his sex appeal with the fact that at least 80 percent of his body is covered in tattoos, the man is a wet dream come to life.
Don’t even get me started on Kai, who in his own wicked way is a definite panty-melter. If I had to morph any two celebrity hunks to make the gorgeous disguise ofboy next doorthat is my best friend, it would definitely have to be Sebastian Stan and the gorgeous specimen who played Christian Grey. They’re both untucking-fairly gorgeous. Only I know all the shit that’s wrong in their heads which makes the appeal that much less intriguing.
Even then I have my own damaged God to worship, the perfect, flawless, jaw dropping, breath stealing, blinding fucking beautiful Sebastian, who of course is coincidentally the perfect combination of my two celebrity crushes, Zac Efron, and the incomparably sexy Henry Cavill.
Why Drake chose this precise moment toflirtwith my sweet, innocent friend is blatantly obvious, well to everyone except Kai and Stella. Kai made it clear to the two of us yesterday that he won’t be treading carefully around Stella. He knows she has a major crush on him but he insists he can’t go there. I think this is just Drake having a bit of fun and showing Kai that as much as he claims to beuninterested,he won't be okay with his best friend making a pass at her.
“Thanks Damon, I actually love spicy food, the spicier the better I always say,” Stella mumbles, obviously nervous.
Kai just scoffs, falling back against the sofa cushion with a loud thump. Drake’s obviously struck a nerve, particularly one that connects his cock to his murderous glare.
“So Silver, no island getaway or fashion runway trip planned this year?” Drake asks, trying to make small talk.
“Not for me, I’ve never been big on extravagant vacations, I prefer a cabin in the woods or a cottage on the beach, and seeing as the cabin was blown to bits, I’m afraid I was just going to stay on campus.”
“What about your uncle's house? Don’t you usually live there when you're not in school?” he continues to ask.
Stella’s face suddenly pales at the mention of her uncle. “I used to, like most parents, my uncle Stephan and aunt Eliza are never home, usually on business trips, on vacation, or renting to their many businesses. The house is huge, and lonely, and frankly a bit scary. I haven’t spent time there in a while, well since you guys showed up and even before that I’d just spend the weekend in the dorms.” I notice Stella slightly uneasy as she speaks about the topic. I’ll have to ask her about that when we’re alone, but I can’t imagine she’s fine, given the kind of man that he is. He gives me sketchy as fuck vibes.
“Isn’t that boring for a Princess like you? No galas, or parties, or fancy balls,” Kai mocks, munching on a hot wing and licking his fingers tauntingly. I can see Stella’s eyes trailing his fingers as they move in and out of his mouth.
“Way to be a total dick Malachi,” I sneer, throwing a French fry at his head. He dodges it but it still falls on his lap. Dammit what a waste of a deliciously fried potato.
“It’s okay Jade,” Stella says, apologizing for Kai’s rudeness. I hate that she does that, not just with him but with everyone, especially with Kinsley and her bitchy friends. She’s always apologizing for others' behaviors and making justifications for their rudeness and blatant meanness. “I don’t enjoy any of that like my classmates. I’m pretty low maintenance and I've never really fit in so there’s the whole loner thing. It's kind of hard to attend balls and parties when no one wants you around.”
The solemn tone of her voice makes us all slightly uncomfortable as we shift in our seats, “How those bitches were so cruel to you before we showed up is still appalling. Stella you are honestly perfect, like I’ve said, an honest to God fucking unicorn. You have not one judgmental bone in your body, you’re wicked smart, and genuinely kind, all wrapped in a stunningly beautiful package.”
“Jade’s right Stella, you’re the real deal.” Drake adds, placing a hand on her shoulder. The three of us turn to Kai awaiting his addition to the Stella compliment train.
However, he doesn’t speak. He just shoves a hot wing in his mouth, swallowing it down with a large gulp of his beer. Well this week won’t be awkward at all.
A party. All it took was twenty-four hours and my week away from reality turned into a god-awful nightmare. How this many people are crammed into this small space is beyond me. Yet here they are, all twenty or so of them. No one I really recognize other than the two bitches who are glaring in our direction.
Leighton Astor and Casey Danvers.
“Tell me again why we came out here to this chaos instead of staying hidden in the safety of the bedroom?” Stella asks as I raid the fridge for something non-alcoholic to drink.
“Because as comfortable as the bedroom is, there is no food and I’m starving.”
“We ate like two hours ago!” she blurts out, causing some couple who was making out on the kitchen counter to turn and stare at us. I give them my bestwhat the fuck are you looking atglare and they’re quick to resume.