Page 76 of The Monster in Me
“I’ve lied to you as well Scarlett. For months I’ve lied to you. Or worse I’ve kept something from you.” I drop to the floor, head between my knees, curling into a fetal position as I gain the courage to mutter the next word.
“I’m pregnant!” she blurts out before I even get the chance to speak.
“What?” I ask, completely taken aback by her own unexpected confession.
“I’m pregnant, and I know you are too.”
It feels like this huge weight has been lifted off my chest, as I finally found the courage to come face to face with my sister. We laid out all our secrets and promised to never again keep anything from each other.
And now, after blurting out a truth I've kept to myself, well between Ace and I, for months, there are no more secrets.
I still remember the day I found out I was pregnant. It was shortly after the explosion and fire that burned Servite Manor to the ground, killing all the devils in my life, along with my father Maxwell. A father I will never get to know. My whole life was falling apart completely, I was hurt, scared, and in so much pain thinking I had lost everything, including Ace. I had pushed away my friends, my sister, and was keeping more secrets than should ever be allowed, yet I hadn’t realized in all of this all-consuming chaos, that my period was late.
It wasn’t until a week after the explosion, just over nine days after I had checked myself out of the hospital after suffering a concussion when Luke Prescott ran Ace and I off the road, that I found out my current situation. The doctor had called me, apparently he’d been trying to get a hold of me for a little over a week but I was so caught up with everything that had happened after Jade found out Roman was back, I hadn’t bothered to answer.
When I finally did, that’s when he told me I was just over ten weeks pregnant. I dropped my phone to the floor and began to shake uncontrollably, Ace right beside me with a look of terror in his eyes as he grabbed the phone. Everything changed in that exact moment. My priorities, my direction in life, everything was now focused on this little life that Ace and I created. Somehow in the middle of the cluster fuck that had us blowing up fucking buildings to survive, there was a silver lining waiting to poke through. Even though we were both in shock at the news, we both knew that this baby would only help us grow closer together. We’d get through it together because even when darker things were thrown in our paths, we stood united and came out of the other side stronger than before.
Jade being pregnant is a complete mindfuck. What are the chances of my sister and I having babies, we weren't even sure we'd ever want, together? It's times like this that divine intervention makes sense because only mystical beings would make this shit happen. Someone must be laughing their ass off up there. I’ve been so damn worried about her and what would happen to our relationship as I got closer and closer to Ace and with the baby coming I couldn't focus on much else. I knew we would get over our fight but I didn't want her to suddenly feel like I abandoned her for a new life that she didn't fit into.
My sister is everything to me but looks like she means a whole lot to my man's best friend too. With Bass I know I don't have to worry about her safety, physically at least, but I worry about her heart. He's a playboy and an asshole on his best days. Jade is convinced he’s different for her, I believe her because look at Ace, but I won’t be able to believe it until I see them together as more than just fuck buddies. My girl will be okay, no matter what she will have me. Those babies have built-in best friends growing inside us waiting to hand out gray hairs and heart attacks like candy. This is the beginning of a new chapter of our lives and I am so thankful we are on this ride together.