Page 77 of The Monster in Me
Chapter 29
It’s been a week since the blowout Bass and I had down at the beach house, when he revealed he knew all about my little secret. A week since I accepted out loud that I was going to have a baby with none other than my broody, gorgeous fucking bastard.
I begged him to keep it a secret, not ready for the rest of the world to find out, though I don’t think I’ll ever be ready for that. Yet to no surprise, it didn’t last. The cat is out of the bag now, well at least regarding my close circle of friends, and I’m the one to blame.
After confessing to Stella I was pregnant, the same night I came clean to Scar, she looked at me with anI already fucking knew thatlook. Though what she didn’t suspect was that Scar is also expecting. I never would have guessed, especially not that our due dates would be only a month apart. What are the odds?
I’d say slim to fucking none.
Yet here we are.
The weekend after, the one before Spring Break was officially over, I went back to the guys apartment to thank them for letting me crash with them and for being there for me when I needed them to be. Even though they had no idea what I was going through, they stood by my side, no questions asked, and without asking for anything in return. Ruby also happened to be there, all of them looking at me with suspicious eyes and I just couldn’t keep boldly lying to their faces. So I blurted it out, killing all birds with one truth stone. I’m trying this new truth thing, keeping things as transparent as possible. So far it’s biting me in the ass.
Like Stella they didn’t seem very shocked by my revelation, making me question if I ever actually tried to hide it. Ruby claims she’s the first one who suspected, the fact that I haven’t drunk my body weight in liquor was a telltale sign to them all. I guess being an alcoholic has its downfall.
Sebastian convinced me to skip out on the following week of school, saying we needed to have some time to ourselves to face the reality of this pregnancy. I didn’t argue, it didn’t seem prudent to, nor was there anything exciting about returning to see those judgmental jerks. Of course, as expected, convincing the professors to allow us to turn in our assignments online versus in person, based onhealth issues, which aren’t a total lie, wasn’t an issue. Frankly, I never doubted there would be a problem with it, not only because it was Sebastian who asked, but also because we do most of our work online anyway. I honestly don’t understand why we even have to attend our lectures.
The week off has been good for us, we’ve managed to keep things civil, only breaking a handful of fragile items. It’s not my fault the vases around here look so throwable. We’ve argued less and have even scheduled a doctor's appointment for this afternoon, our first one together. I’m anxious as fuck having only gone to one other appointment the entire time since I’ve found out I was pregnant and running out of it before the doctor even had the chance to examine me, but I’m also eager to get this doctor to explain to Sebastian that I won’t fucking break if we have sex.
Because he refuses to fucking touch me.
We haven’t slept together since the day I passed out on him, exactly one week ago, because Sebastian still believes he nearly fucked me into a coma. He’s afraid that we’re going tohurtthe baby if he shoves his dick in me.
So not only am I emotional as fuck, eating my weight in food, and feeling like a damn whale, I’m also incredibly, fucking horny.
“I swear Sebastian the moment the doctor tells you you’re a fucking moron for thinking your dick is massive enough to penetrate my amniotic sac, you’re going to fuck me then and there, right against the exam table.” Ace spits out his beer nearly choking at my remark before he and Scarlett burst out in a roar of laughter.
Sebastian throws his hands up in defeat, looking sexy as hell, in nothing but a pair of dark jeans and a single silver chain around his neck. “Come on baby, I know I won’t actually hurt the baby, I just don’t want to hurt you,” he pleads, stepping toward me with his arms outstretched, but I’m quick to put my arm out in front of me to halt him.
“Ace, tell me, how many times have you fucked my sister since she’s been pregnant?” I ask, turning to face Ace who sits on the couch behind Bass looking extremely amused.
“All day every day,” Ace answers smugly, just as Scar swats him on the arm. “Ouch babe, come on she asked.”
“Not helping brother,” Bass groans, glaring at Ace who raises his beer in apology.
“See they fuck all day every day and here you won’t fucking touch me. You think Ace isn’t worried about hurting her, you think he doesn’t care?” I shout, knowing well enough that’s not true but still pissed enough to say it.
“No Jade, that's not what I think, but you’re weaker…” The expression that passes over his face clearly proves he regrets what he’s said as soon as the words leave his mouth, but it’s too late. Too fucking late.
My blood flows straight up to my head, my hands fisting at my sides as I step forward, meeting him, making him take a step back in defeat. “Weaker?” I ask, pushing his chest with my finger, “Are you fucking kidding me right now?”
The back of his legs crash into the table behind him, a solemn expression flashes in his eyes, at the realization of how his words hurt me. “That’s not what I…”
“Just stop talking man,” Ace mutters to him, “You’re digging a deeper hole for yourself.”
“Fuck off man. Jade, no, I just meant you passed out because you were exhausted. You’ve been so sick, Scar hasn’t, she hasn’t even thrown up once.”
“It’s called morning sickness Sebastian, read a fucking book. All pregnant women get it at some point in their pregnancy, doesn’t mean they can’t handle getting fucked.”
He walks around the coffee table and picks up a box of Krispy Kreme donuts he went out to buy me last night. These spontaneous cravings are getting the best of me, though he has yet to complain about his late-night trips to fulfill them. He opens the box of donuts, turning it in my direction, and offering me one. “Here babe I think you’re hangry, have a donut.”
“Donut!” I squeal, my voice quavering as I tremble in anger smacking the box out of his hands, “I don’t want a fucking snack Bass, I want you to eat me like one.”
Ace spits out the entire contents of his beer all over the hardwood in front of him. “Oh fuck,” he mutters, Scar bringing her hand to her mouth to hide her laughter.
Picking up the box and setting it down on the table, he closes the space between us taking my face in his hands. “Look baby,” he says, leaning his head forward and bringing his nose to rest against mine. “Let’s just go to the doctor's appointment,” he adds, bringing his hand to lay over my stomach under my shirt, slowly rubbing against it, “And see how our Little Monster is doing.” His hand moves lower cupping my pussy through my tight biker shorts, “After, I promise nothing will stop me from tearing into this little cunt like the monster you know and love.”