Page 80 of Hale on Earth
e been much worse. I oblige her request.
Chapter 40
Two months later
“I’m out,” Oran grumps.
“Fold,” Jagger follows.
Ainslee and I engage in a stare down. Her poker face is much better than the men, but she’s missing that spark she has when she knows her hand is good. Hard to detect, but this is my wheelhouse.
“All in,” I announce, although my hand is shit.
They can’t find my tell. When my dad started teaching me poker with the idea that I’d take over the LeClaire seat one day, I learned early to keep my face neutral no matter the hand. My tell is in my toes, but no one ever looks at your toes during a game.
Ainslee considers showing her hand but folds. I cheer as I collect my chips. Unlike the boys, I had to play poker religiously with my dad then with my sisters once my dad realized that Imala will be his most likely successor. She’s the only one focused on the family business and because of that. She’s a better poker player than him. She’s gonna give these three hell when she and Ainslee take their seats.
Luckily, Andreas is fine as wine and they won’t have to cross that bridge soon. I don’t know what happened to Elmer. They never told me, and I never asked. Now that is something I don’t mind being in the dark about. Jagger and Oran have their first Founder poker game next week and they will get their asses spanked if they don’t tighten up those tells.
“I might have to send you in my place. I should’ve played more poker growing up,” Oran grumbles.
“Same,” Jagger says. “I know what I’ll be doing in my free time. I would try to play with Ainslee’s boys but they’d just report all my tells…”
I laugh at them. “You two will be fine. Can you imagine the look on our dad’s faces if Ainslee and I walked in there to represent the other families? You two would never live that down.”
I meet my matching blank looks from the best friends. I get the door when the bell rings and usher Caerwyn inside.
He somehow still looks official in jeans and a navy henley shirt. He smiles like he’s been up to no good and will never tell.
“This is the first time I’ve seen you since the day before my birthday. How are you?”
His concern is touching.
“Good, much better. Oran dropped my ass off in counseling the very next day to keep me sane. Then he learned he had to go with me.”
Wyn and I chuckle at the thought of Oran being cooperative.
“You’re doing too much giggling over there, Trophy.”
I roll my eyes and lead Wyn to the poker table.
“Look guys, you have a third. Ainslee and I are out, we have baby shower things to discuss.”
Wyn claps his hands together and rubs. “I love poker.”
“Of course, he does. I should have known you were the one over there laughing away with my wife,” Oran prods Wyn as he takes the seat I vacated.
“I wasn’t flirting,” Wyn promises then turns to Ainslee and gives her a super enormous smile. “How are you today? You look beautiful. Pregnancy gives you an amazing glow.”
“That’s not the pregnancy that’s making her glow, it’s my cum.”
Jagger’s announcement makes Wyn snort because he’s not used to them like we are.
“You two are so possessive. I’m not trying to hit on your wives.”
“Are you dealing or not?” Oran asks, ignoring Wyn’s comment.