Page 81 of Hale on Earth
Ainslee and I refresh their snacks and drinks before disappearing into the home office Oran created for me after noticing my lack of desire to go to my actual office. Ainslee’s eyes glaze over when she sees the charts. She doesn’t much like details so I’ve created full concepts for her to choose then I’ll go over the details with Esme. I’m excited when she picks the white and gold motif. I get to use the angels.
“Your baby shower will be heavenly,” I tell her happily.
“I have something for you, Trophy,” Oran says from behind me. I’m plotting out the last minute details to ensure tomorrow is perfect.
“If you say your dick, we will fight, Oran.”
His low chuckles turn me on, although I’m engrossed in my to-do list. I’m positive I have everything we need for the baby shower to be a success, but I’m hard-wired to triple check.
Oran pulls me away from my desk and turns me to face him. “First, if I’m offering my dick, you need to be grateful. Second, that’s not what I’m offering.” He pauses. “At least, not right now.”
He guides me into the living room where everything is dim and romantic. Soft music plays, a candlelight dinner, “What’s all this?”
“Do you know what today is?” He hints.
“Nope. Total blank,” I admit because nothing is ringing a bell.
“Ugh,” his eyes roll upward. “As the woman, aren’t dates supposed to be your thing? You never thanked me for your house key, either.”
His complaint makes me remember he’d had a date engraved on my key. I meant to look at it but kept forgetting.
He frowns at my blank look.
“Go get the damn key, Trophy.”
“Okay, okay,” I say to appease the big grump.
Snatching up the house key, I read the date. It looks familiar…
“Our wedding date, dummy,” Oran gripes with his arms crossed.
I ignore him calling me a dummy, I would have called him worse if the roles were reversed.
“That’s right! You weren’t my favorite person then. I didn’t bother committing it to memory.”
“Well, you better store that shit, etch it, lock it, or whatever else the fuck you need to do because this is your only pass.”
“It’s not our anniversary right now so why are you tripping?”
“You, Trophy are taking all the fun out of this moment,” he chastises me but manages to look all gruff and sexy at the same time.
“I’m sorry. You’ve put in a lot of effort. Give me a moment to catch up.”
I look at the key once more since it correlates with his plans. I pop my head up when my brain clicks it into place.
“Oh, wow,” I whisper in awe.
Oran smiles now that I’ve caught up. “Tell me, Trophy, do you think you would have held out this long?”
I shake my head as I calculate the innumerable times we’ve had sex since our honeymoon.
“Not a chance in hell.” So much has changed in six months, our wedding seems so much farther in the past. “The thought makes me want to pull out my hair.”
“I’m surprised you didn’t remember this date. I did. I had a fucking countdown alarm set. Only difference, I would have ripped off your clothes at midnight and fucked a new year into you.”
His conviction makes me giggle. “It’s nowhere near New Year’s Eve.”