Page 39 of Hope for the Best
"To be fair, it was raining, and we were all over the place in that game," Casey said. "I'm surprised he was the only one injured."
"Is he okay?" I asked, looking seriously at Max. "I haven't talked to him in a few days. I figured he was busy, but I didn't know he was hurt."
Max shook his head. "This happened last night," he said.
I wasn't sure why I mentioned that I hadn't talked to him in a few days. I felt odd for saying it in front of them, and I stared into space as I said something to change the subject. "I hope his leg is okay. You should take him a burger."
"We are," Max said. He looked at me. "I like your pirate ship shirt."
I looked down at my scrubs. "It's one of my most complimented tops," I said. I laughed. "I seriously do get high praises from our little patients."
"We should have gone to your clinic for Charlie's leg," Max said.
I looked at him with a curious expression. "Was it bad enough that he had to see a doctor?"
"No, no, I'm just joking, he's okay. He's just hobbling around on it. He'll rest it and be fine."
It seemed as though Max was bringing up Charlie on purpose. He had done it twice, and both times, he looked at me and seemed interested in my reaction. I wondered if he knew what happened between us. I wondered if I looked guilty. I asked them what boat they came on, and that got us talking about different boats for a little while.
AJ said he and some others would be taking the bigger boat out with some big pull-behind toys the following day. He asked if I wanted to go. I thanked him and told him I wish I could but explained that I had to work all day, which was the truth. AJ acted a little disappointed, and I tried not to notice without seeming insensitive.
Stacy had left and she came back with their ticket and boxes along with my food, and within minutes, we were all heading toward the door. I stayed back and talked to Stacy, but several people had come into the restaurant so I wasn't there for very long.
I went straight to my house to change and eat and then from there to Landon's. He was leaving tomorrow to go to Nashville to see my brother, and I had some things to send with him.
"A whole box?" Landon asked, reaching out for the load I was carrying when he opened the door.
"Eric didn't tell you? He asked me to pack all this stuff from Mom's house."
"He told me you were bringing over a few things."
"I barely got it into that box," I said.
"I feel that," Landon said referring to how heavy it was.
"Yeah, it's packed. There's clothes and a Wii. There's even a lava lamp."
"Sounds like a dangerous combination," he said, setting it down carefully.
"I packed it really well," I said. "I don't think anything's going to break unless you go tossing it around."
"Why don't you come with me?" he asked.
"I thought about it, but I'd have to take off work."
"So, what? You never take off. Call in sick. It's only four more days and then we're on the weekend. I can have you back by next Monday."
"Four days is a lot for Doctor Warner. Plus, Eric doesn't have room for both of us."
"You can have the couch and I'll take the floor," Landon offered.
"Just go," I said. "I kind of regret not going, but it's too late for me to decide that now."
"No, it's really not!" he begged. "Come onnnn…"
"No, I can't, I didn't mean to make you think I could," I said. "I wouldn't do that to Dr. Warner. We've already got a nurse on vacation."
I also had Charlie on my mind. I was blaming work, but I needed to check on Charlie. They had said his injury wasn't a big deal, but I had honestly expected to hear something from him after what happened between us in the gazebo, and I found myself wondering why he didn't call.