Page 40 of Hope for the Best
I was comfortable at Landon's place, and I took my telephone out of my back pocket so that I could sit on his couch.
I went to toss it onto the coffee table and I saw Charlie's name on my screen. He had called. The little phone symbol was next to his name, and I knew I had missed a call.
"Hey, I didn't realize I missed a call," I said to Landon.
"I need to go get some laundry out of the dryer, anyway," Landon said, nodding. "I can't find my socks, and I need them for climbing."
"I'll make this call while you go do that, and then we'll climb."
Landon took off, and I pressed the button to call Charlie. My heart rate sped up as I waited for him to pick up the phone.
"Hello?" I said when I heard him answer. "I had a missed call but there was no message. Was it a butt dial?"
"What, no, it was a finger dial."
"What are you doing?" I asked. "I heard you hurt your leg."
"Yeah, Dad told me he saw you. My leg's not that big of a deal, I just didn't want to go out on those waves. I would have come if I would have known you were at the restaurant."
"I was looking for you when I saw your dad," I said, feeling jittery. "I was sad you weren't there."
"I miss talking to you," he said.
"I was thinking that same thing. I was wondering why I hadn't heard from you."
"I thought you would call me," he said.
"I thought you would call me," I returned.
"Where are you?" he asked.
"Landon's. We're about to climb on his wall for a little while. He's leaving for Nashville in the morning. He's going to see my brother. I brought some stuff over here."
Landon must have gone to the laundry room as fast as he could because he was already back.
"Yeah, I'm going to Nashville and I'm trying to get Hope to come with me," Landon said, speaking loudly so Charlie could hear him. "Who is it?" Landon asked, not knowing.
"Charlie," I said.
"What'd he say?" Charlie asked.
"He said he was trying to get me to go with him to Nashville tomorrow, but I already told him I had to stay and work. As much as I want to see my brother, I just can't go on such short notice."
"So, you're staying in town?" Charlie asked.
"Yeah, yeah, there was never any question. I just came over here to bring my brother's stuff. I wish I could go, but I can't."
"Hey, can I see you tonight?"
My heart pounded.
"Yes," I replied instantly, not caring where, when, or how.
"I'll come over there," he said.
"Sure," I answered. "What time?"
"One hour?"