Page 53 of Nash's Songbird
Chapter Nineteen
Their first night at the ranch had been perfect. Nash had been ready to declare everything in his heart, though he doubted that Emily was still in the dark with how he felt about her. He couldn’t keep away from her.
He was smitten by that pondering look in her hazel eyes, that gentle smile each time he touched her, that soft way that she plucked those strings and sang through those tunes with that cute vibrato in her voice.
He hadn’t felt this good in months.
Nashville had been tough on him. Now he felt like he could handle the place with her quiet strength as she sat by his side. Emily leaned on the console across from him in the pickup on their way to survey Millie’s ranch. She snuggled Lizardman against her soft black tee shirt, like Nash wanted her to snuggle him. She sat on her crossed legs in red cutoffs that matched those adorable boots of hers.
He couldn’t keep his eyes off her legs, or her eyes, or her glossy lips running across Lizardman’s head in her abundance of kisses. The lake wasn’t close enough for his peace of mind. Millie had told them that the large body of water was on the other side of these hills. There were hiking trails leading out from it. The cattle liked to graze there. It sounded picturesque—just the kind of place where he could cuddle up with Emily and watch the view.
They explored Millie’s ranch over dirt roads that had seen better days. The heavy-duty truck easily handled the potholes, though he doubted other vehicles could. He kept everything in mind as he assessed the land—his careful eye on the thick forests and rolling hills of green, the further mountains in the distance appearing purple.
The tires ground over the metal rails holding together ancient train tracks—those were definitely from another era… maybe an abandoned mine? They had one of those at home that had been shut down for at least a century. Nash was eager to discover what mysteries this ranch held. It was fifty times bigger than his home, so likely it had its own intriguing history.
The jagged line of trees was thick ahead, but here and there, he spotted the glistening lake through a clearing.
As soon as they reached the rocky beach, Nash pulled over, seeing that they’d only get closer on foot. The turquoise surface sparkled under the bright sun. This isolated lake would be perfect for fishing.
“Oh, wow!” Emily pulled out of the truck. “Do we really have this place all to ourselves?”
“Nope, we have to share it with the cattle.”
Her brow arched at the gathering cows on the other side of the lake, then she looked sternly down at Lizardman. “Don’t bother the neighbors, L. Man.”
Nash snickered at her attempt to make Lizardman’s name sound more socially acceptable. Nothing was going to help them out with that. Not listening to her advice in the least, the puppy took off for the lake, barking and yapping loudly. He sniffed the edges, gingerly pressing his paws into the water, and then turned away with an unimpressed look.
He was bored already. Lizardman clearly was West’s dog.
Emily picked her way over the banks where the surface of the water was high. She tugged off her showy boots and hoodie. Flat rocks made a natural footpath against the lake leading to the other side where the cattle grazed. The water lapped over the rocks set lower in the water, like an overflowing bathtub. The overflow trickled past the piles of granite to turn into a more powerful waterfall streaming further down the hill. It was a strange juxtaposition between the calm lake and the raging power of the elements.
Reaching the middle rock in the midst of this natural phenomenon, she sat down on the shiny surface and crossed her legs, staring out across the lake. Soon after, she closed her eyes and took deep breaths before stretching out. Was she doing yoga? He was immediately drawn in.
Nash skipped a few rocks across the water, while still staying close enough to Emily and Lizardman to keep an eye on them. The lake was clear, and he could see the fish swimming languidly beneath the surface. The cattle made their gentle sound as they fed on the grass. Usually this kind of view was only reserved as the reward after a long hike, but this gem came free of the sore muscles and sweaty back that followed hauling around a pack. He felt energized with thoughts of what this week could bring as he considered the shiny depths.
His eyes went back to her, where his attention had been all along. Emily’s every move drew him in. The lake mirrored a blue sky that shimmered against the emerald forest as she tried out her yoga against the view of this brilliant backdrop. Her dark lashes brushed against the freckles of her cheek as she breathed in deeply. Slowly. His girl was getting ready for a nap over there.
It was time to cause a ruckus.
Grinning, he tugged off his boots then his shirt and only wearing his jeans, he rushed to the edge of the babbling water. The sun caressed his bare shoulders as he dove in. The chill washed away the heat of the day and whatever dust he’d gathered. He sank further down the glacial depths before swimming towards her, like a predator. He knew who he hunted.
He splashed out of the water, first catching sight of her pretty little knees as she inched away from the water with a laugh. He pressed his elbows against the rock where she sat. “What are you doing out there? Come in.”
She shook her head. “That water’s freezing. Your lips are blue.”
Were they? He tilted his head, determined to lure her closer. “Come warm me up.”
Her lips tipped up. “I have a feeling we’ll both end up freezing.” She set her forearms against the granite and struck a meditative pose that looked more like an immobile pushup. He watched on with interest. His hands came out of the water, dripping over hers as he moved closer. She opened one eye to peer at him. “You aren’t going to let me finish my workout, are you?”
“What is better for your mental health then taking a cold water plunge? Isn’t that the latest health craze?”
“Not for me. I like warmth.”
“I’m warm.” He placed his hand over hers.
She scrambled back. “You’re warm… the water’s freezing.”
“It’s refreshing.”