Page 54 of Nash's Songbird
“Definitely not, but then again, I’m not a human heater like you. You’re a-a werewolf.”
She couldn’t have said anything better designed to get his mischievous streak going than if she’d planned it. “So you’re a vampire?” he teased.
“Pretty much,” she allowed with a decisive nod.
“Let’s play a different game.”
“If you want to playTwilight, I’m so not in.”
He captured her foot. “But I want to eat you.”
“Oh, you’re asking for it, buddy! I’m about to suck your blood and you don’t even know it.”
“Try me.”
Her lips twisted and she popped her shoulder up in surrender. She was going to play… something. He waited in anticipation to see what she’d come up with. “If I catch you,” she said, “then you have to give me anything I want.”
“Yeah… but with no monetary value,” she quickly bargained.
“Deal,” he said. “And if I catch you?”
She laughed. “That’s ridiculous. We can’t both be ‘it.’ Wait for your turn, buddy!” And with that she rushed at him.
He dove back into the water, but not fast enough. She wound her arms around his neck as soon as she crashed into the water, although he realized it was because she was freezing when she let out a shriek. “You! Nash!” Her hair was already wet from going in after him. The water glistened down her cheeks. Her eyes seemed incredibly bright. “This was as cold as I thought it would be!” Her hold on him tightened. “Keep me warm!”
Gladly.“Is that what you get for winning?” he asked.
“No! I get more. Way more!”
The loud moo from a cow disturbed the air to the side of them. They both let out a laugh as they met the animal’s large brown eyes.
Her lips trembled with the cold as she turned back to him. “I’m thinking more along the lines of a bonfire and quilts, lots of quilts to warm me up after this. And maybe some hot chocolate.”
“In the middle of summer?” he asked.
“Uh huh.” Again, her mouth did that funny little twist it did when she thought she was getting one over on him. Nash was mesmerized. She still held onto him with a death grip and he realized that Emily was a lot shorter than he was. She couldn’t touch the bottom of the lake like he could. He brought her closer, feeling her shake against him. His girl was freezing, but he had different ideas on how to warm her up than a cozy quilt and a bonfire. They could make their own blaze.
His eyes met hers, and she stilled while he pressed her up against the flat surface of the rocks. His mouth found hers next. Their vampire, werewolf game just got real.
They bobbed down under the water as they kissed. Her hands traveled from his shoulders to his hair as he felt her legs slide against his as they came back up for air, choking and laughing. They barely missed the cow’s snout as the animal drank from the lake.
“Nash!” she cried out. “I think I got water up my nose. That was crazy.”
He wasn’t ready to release her yet. “How about we try even crazier?” He went in for another kiss.