Page 10 of Giovanni DeLuca
“Wow, I didn’t expect that. The usual guest list?”
“No. We’re changing everything. This will be a black-tie. I want it to look and feel like a charity event. I want all the elite of Nashville there. So the invitations need to be discreet and exclusive.”
I nod my head as I type everything in on my tablet. I don’t question what he’s telling me, even though it’s completely out of the norm. Giovanni is a savant, so when he tells me a plan, I know for certain he has thought of everything. He probably has multiple scenarios in his head, along with the consequences if something goes wrong.
“When will this take place?” I ask, pulling up my calendar app.
“I want it in two weeks. And keep it quiet.”
“Two-weeks? Uh…” I know I said I was great at my job, but he’s asking for a damn miracle to make all that happen in two weeks.
“Use DeLuca vendors.” He must’ve been reading my mind. Because using DeLuca connections means everything will be wrapped up within a few days instead of the few weeks it would normally take.
I know that our meeting is done when he turns to his computer and starts typing. He can never just conclude our conversations like a normal person. Like saying, “that will be all,” or “I’ll let you get to work.” No. He just ignores me.Asshole.
“Egypt,” Giovanni calls before I reach the door.
“Sir?” I smirk because, for some reason, he hates when I call him that. Even though everyone is pretty casual with first names here, Giovanni still doesn’t react the same when anyone else calls him sir.
“You’re being a very naughty girl today, huh? You like to push my buttons, don’t you?” My face instantly flushes, and I believe I just had some kind of hallucination because there’s no way he just said that out loud.
“Excuse me?” I croak out with wide eyes.
“I want you…” I gulp and press my thighs together because I must be having a very vivid daydream—a wet one. “I want you to be there this time. At the party.” He finishes with a smile.
Like I said,Asshole!
“Girl, I don’t know why you don’t just fuck him and get it over with. You know you want his mean ass.” Leave it to Alexa to just put all my business out there.
“I… dang it, Alexa! Don’t you think I would if he showed any type of interest? The lust is one-sided… believe me.” I sigh as I plop down on my sofa in between the twins.
I needed an emergency bff meeting after the day I had. So, Ari and Alexa came over to my place. I have never been so glad to have such supportive friends.
“Well, maybe it’s not as one-sided as you think. You did say he called you a ‘naughty girl,’ has he ever said that before? It sounds kinda kinky to me.” Ari slides in her opinion.
I can’t help but agree with her. When he growled the words, I thought I was hearing things. But I know that’s exactly what he said. The only problem is, I don’t know what it meant, which is why I’m here overanalyzing my entire day.
“I’m not his type. I mean, he likes long legs, blonde hair, big boobs, and white.” I frown.
“I don’t think Giovanni cares if you’re white or not. You said he’s been with black women before, right?”
“You’re right. But even the black women he sees look nothing like me.” I don’t mean to whine, but I’m really at my wit’s end.
After my run-in with Carly, I’ve been on edge. I can usually hold my composure better, but today all of my buttons were pushed.
“Stop worrying about what he’s had in the past. Cause obviously he’s looking for something different.”
I guess the twins are right, but I don’t want to get my hopes up just to be put in the friend zone. I would have to quit my job and move to a different country out of pure mortification. So there’s that.
“Who knows… Giovanni is a mystery.” I shake my head.
“Saying Giovanni reminds me that he gets mad if you call him sir or Mr. DeLuca. Maybe he does have a kink.” Alexa says, rubbing her chin in thought.
“But isn’t the kink they want to be called, sir?” Ari asks.
“That’s what I’m saying. He insists on her calling him Giovanni. Maybe her saying Sir turns him on.”