Page 11 of Giovanni DeLuca
“I doubt it,” I say out loud, but I think Alexa is right. I’ve had my suspicions about that, and it could be why he gets all growly when I call him sir or Mr. DeLuca. “Anyway, I don’t want to keep torturing myself about this,” I say out loud, but I know that as soon as the twins leave, I’ll be dissecting Giovanni’s every word.
“So, what’s this about going to the mansion party this time? You never go to those.”
“I don’t know. Maybe, because this time it will be at the Garden house. I have to say the place is beautiful, and I can’t wait to see it once I’m finished with the party decorations.”
“I’ll bet it will be beautiful. So are you taking a date or nah?” Ari smirks at me, and I frown because she knows damn well I don’t have a date.
“Alexa is supposed to be the evil twin,” I reply in a condescending tone.
“Hardy har har. You should be a comedian. But you didn’t answer my sister’s question.” Alexa chimes in.
I hate when they activate their twin powers to gang up on me. We’ve been friends since elementary school, and they’ve always done this when I try to keep a secret from them. I really should’ve been able to figure out how to avoid it by now, but no such luck.
“You heifers know I’m not dating anybody. I couldn’t even tell you when I last went on a damn date.” I scowl at them as I cross my arms over my chest with a huff.
“Stop acting like a child, Egypt. We just want to make sure your status hasn’t changed, so we can find you a bae to show off.”
“A bae?” I sit up with a furrowed brow. “How are you going to manage that in two weeks?”
As soon as the words leave my lips, there’s a knock at my door. I know I’ve been set up as soon as both my besties’ faces split into shit-eating grins. I get up slowly to answer the door. I don’t even bother to ask either of them what they did. I’ll find out soon enough.
When I open the door, I’m relieved to see Smith standing there with a large smile.
“Hey, baby girl!” My third best friend wraps me in a big bear hug, and I giggle.
I haven’t seen Smith in two months. He’s been away working with Doctors Without Boundaries. He’s such a goody-two-shoes, but he is the most genuine guy I know.
“Smith! Oh my God! Why didn’t you tell me you were coming home!” I feel so much comfort in his hug. Before I started working for Giovanni, Smith was the biggest guy I had ever seen.
“It wouldn’t be a surprise if I told you I was coming.” Smith pinches my nose like when we were kids, and I smile.
I lead him into the living room where the twins are, and both of them get up and give the same sibling greeting. We met Smith in middle school when he moved here from Denmark. We have all been as thick as thieves since then.
“So, Smith. I’m so glad you’re here. So, we can finally put our plan into action. Like I said on the phone, our girl is going to need your help.” Alexa says, rubbing her hands together like the evil genius she is.
“Oh, Lord,” I say with a shiver because there’s absolutely no telling what Alexa has planned.