Page 66 of Dare To Love Me
Steam came rolling out my ears. What a child. Who would have imagined a man like Luca being insecure. For that’s just what it was. Insecurity. And his inability to deal with it like an adult was ridiculous.
Typical man.
I continued to give Luca the cold shoulder, knowing that if I looked at him I wouldn’t be able to stay mad for long. His looks were a weapon my irritation was no match for. One smile and I would begin to weaken. The fact that I knew that, pissed me off more than his immature responses had.
Damn the man for being so good looking.
When we turned into the drive leading up to the Dellucci mansion my jaw fell in my lap. Their last home was unnecessarily huge; this monstrosity cried pure insanity. It looked like a resort you would get lost in without a map or directory. Huge, white, and in your face with ‘I have a shit-ton of money’. Arianna’s parents were the nicest people you could meet, with no reservations about showing off how much money they had.
Jones family, eat your heart out.
After pulling under the two story open entry, a valet took our car. A butler escorted us into the house. I went first with Luca breathing down my neck. His shoulders still bunched in agitation. Join the club pal.
The gentleman escorting us led us through the double doors and across the enormous foyer that spanned the length of the house, leading to the thirty-foot high wall of windows that overlooked the patio and garden areas. The glass doors stood open letting the chatter and music of the party fill the house.
Stepping out onto the patio bathed in bright sunlight I cursed not having a pair of sunglasses.
The party was exactly what someone could imagine from the ultra-rich. Food displayed everywhere, full bars, live band and dozens of servers. The cutlery shone gold—I wouldn’t doubt if it was real—the glasses were crystal and nothing but silk table cloths and napkins for this crowd. Beautiful and extravagant. Wouldn’t have expected anything less.
I stepped into the party leaving Luca in my dust. I was still fuming, giving me all the more determination to stick to the plan of not knowing him. I could feel his eyes on me as I walked away.
Arianna was on the far side of the patio. I felt sorry for the person she was talking to, because when she saw me she left the conversation mid-sentence without giving them an explanation.
We met in the middle, more or less jumping into each others arms.
“I thought I lost you,” she whispered.
“Not a chance,” I whispered back, hugging her tighter.
Her slender fingers dug into my back. I had the overwhelming urge to ditch the party, hide in a room with her and say all the things that we were desperately trying to channel into our hug.
We stayed that way for so long we started drawing more curious eyes by the second.
When we parted, Arianna swiped at her cheeks. “Come on. I want to introduce you to some people.”
Arianna was a machine, she introduced me to dozens of people for what felt like hours, all while her enthusiasm made me tired just standing next to her. Her parents were the only individuals that I genuinely took joy in seeing. They also gave me a sense of normalcy.
Until I got the little pity smiles from her mother and a sympathetic one from her father. Well, shit. Normalcy plummeted to earth like a meteor.
I smiled and laughed, trying to enjoy myself but my focus remained weak. Because no matter how hard I tried I couldn’t stop myself from looking for Luca. I mentally slapped myself every time, but apparently I’m a sucker for pain.
Arianna split off to talk to someone across the patio, while I tried to covertly look for Luca.
Then my conscience took a major hit when I finally admitted to myself that I missed his closeness. When he was near I felt safe and shielded, even when he drove me crazy. If I just knew where he was maybe I could reach out and take silent comfort from his presence?
Once I spied him my heart dropped into my stomach. Matteo and Luca had taken up position at the bar, and were currently surrounded by a group of adoring women.
Beautiful, perfect women.
God he’s so handsome.
I drank him in just like I had back at the house. Today he wore a light gray suit and blue shirt, no tie, and his top button left open. Mouthwatering.
My eyes traveled down his long legs that moved with athletic grace when he walked. I loved his walk, full of confidence and strength. A glass of dark amber liquid swung lightly in his fingertips as he leaned comfortably against the bar, gracing women with a killer smile.
Jealousy twisted in my gut. That’s my husband. My eyes narrowed on the hussies and my nostrils flared. Then he spotted me. His smile broadened into cocky arrogance, followed by a wink. He was screwing with me. I could read it as plain as the smug grin on his face. Getting back at me for saying I wanted to pretend we didn’t know each other.