Page 67 of Dare To Love Me
What a child. And a jerk.I rolled my eyes, turning back into the crowd.
I spun so fast I didn’t see the handsome gentleman who’d been approaching from behind. We collided with muttered apologies, the champagne in my glass sloshed dangerously. I jumped sideways, taking in the front of us both to make sure we were still dry.
My eyes went to his face. The man was handsome, in an average sort of way, with sandy blond hair and pale eyes. A lecherous smile spread across his face, I suddenly felt like I needed a shower.
“Sorry beautiful,” he said. Ug, that tone.
“No problem.”
“I’m John.” He extended his hand.
“Becka.” I shook his hand but had to tug to get it back. I looked around to see if anyone else had noticed our blunder but no one payed any mind.
Except Luca.
His expression had turned deadly. All his concentration centered on the man in front of me. My eyes flicked back to John. He wasn’t even looking at my face, his eyes glued to my chest, licking his lips in appreciation. Then his eyes ate up the rest of me, without a hint of apprehension that he was eye fucking me for all to see. Ugg.
John wasn’t the first man I had talked to at the party but he was the only one to be so blatant with his gaze.
Turning my body so I could see more of Luca, I watched the muscles in his body string tight. Jealously rose off him thick enough to be carried on the breeze. If I had animalistic smelling abilities the stench of it would’ve surely overpowered my senses. The dark side in me became immensely satisfied at the sight. Not a proud moment for myself, but seeing him get a taste of his own medicine was undeniably gratifying.
“I’ve been watching you all afternoon,” John drawled.
“Oh, I hadn’t noticed.” Really, I hadn’t.
“What are you doing after the party? I would love to…,” his eyes stripped me naked again, “have you for dinner.”
Not a chance in hell buddy.The guy was either used to women jumping in the sack with him for his money, or vastly overconfident. Why he even bothered to use innuendos was laughable if he was going to use that voice.
“Umm… No thanks.”
“Are you sure?” He raised an eyebrow and broadened his smile as if the sight of it would change my mind.
Luca moved in my periphery. Now he stood tall and menacing as he stared at John’s back like he was seconds away from charging over and snapping his neck. I took a calming breath, confident he wouldn’t do it in front of all the people.
Luca took a step forward. Ok, maybe not.
Matteo appeared at his side to rein him back to the bar, looking far too amused at the situation.
“Yes, I’m sure,” I said to John, then excused myself.
John was a dirt-bag anyway. If he had been a nice guy I would have welcomed a friendly conversation, without the alternative motive of making Luca uncomfortable. But the longer I stood near him the dirtier I felt. Even sticking-it to Luca wasn’t enough to make me endure another second of his company.
Glancing over at Luca, he was leaning against the bar again, body no less tense as he watched with sweltering possessiveness. My lady parts tingled in response, my cheeks heating. Matteo watched Luca, laughing under his breath in total delight.
Someone linked arms with me, drawing my attention. “So, I see you met John,” Arianna winced.
“I avoided introducing you to him all day. He is a distant cousin and a total asshole. Sorry I wasn’t there.”
“It’s ok,” I shrugged.
“Come sit down with me. I’m exhausted.”
“No,” I said in mock disbelief. “Did the Arianna robot finally run out of batteries? How is that even possible?”