Page 65 of King Larson
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Jetlag is arealbitch. A twelve-hour flight will do that.
I have no idea how Leia is functioning. It’s day two, she’s at the gym right now, and I have no fucking idea how. Waking up from my third nap of the day, I look at the clock. 15:22 p.m. Ugh, this is going to take some getting used to.
Getting up from bed, I grab my workout book from my gym bag and look at the workouts I need to do before the first game in a few days. The first game of the European series. Normally, I wouldn’t be worried about losing a game, but I can’t lie and say I’m not abitnervous. This isSlovakia. These guys sleep andbreathehockey.
I’m ready to go out in ten minutes tops. Let’s see if Hunter’s up. He and Taya might be sleeping right now, but I need someone to go to the gym with.
Knocking on his room door, I hear brief groaning and mumbling before a tired-as-hell Hunter opens the door, rubbing his eyes.
“Dude, what do you want?” he groans. I want to laugh, but I feel his pain.
“We gotta go to the gym, bro. I know we’re fucked up, but we need to stay in shape for the first game on Friday.”
His eyes are barely open as he groans again.I know, dude. I know.
“Can we like train tomorrow or something? I feelfuckedright now.” That’s Taya’s cue to mumble something. “No, babe, it’s just Jake busting my balls.”
I chuckle. “You have thirty minutes, bro. I’ll meet you downstairs.”
He extends a ‘fuck you’ before shutting the door. I just smile and head downstairs.
The hotel is beautiful. It looks like a museum, with the old architecture. At some point during the trip, I should take Leia around the city. I can’t wait to explore the city with her.
I grab a few brochures near the concierge desk. Most things are in Slovak, so I can’t read the majority of the signs.
How the fuck am I going to function here?
I should’ve at least learned how to speak the language so I don’t look like an idiot. Before I can think about it anymore, my phone starts ringing. Quickly pulling it out, I realize it’s FaceTime. I smile at the name and pick up.
“Hey, beautiful.”
Fuck me, she’s hot. Her hair’s up in a messy bun, and she’s wearing a white sports bra. She looks sweaty as hell, and I can’t say it doesn’t turn me on. Readjusting my shorts, I wait for her response. She looks like she’s sitting down.
“Hey! How’d you sleep? I didn’t wanna wake you.”
“I slept like a baby. But jetlag is so bad. How did you evenhaveenergy to go to the gym?”
Her laugh makes me smile. “I didn’t really have a choice. My coach gave us workouts to do while we’re here, so I just wanted to get a head start on it so I don’t feel like crap for the rest of the trip.” She has a good point. That means she’ll be steps ahead of me. Shit, if that doesn’t motivate me more.
“Damn, I guess that means I have to keep up with you.”
She knows what I mean. And I don’t just mean in the gym. She gives me an annoyed sigh.
“Leave it to you to make everything sexual, Larson,” she laughs out. But I’m immediately distracted when she lets her bun down and loose black waves fall down. She’s so gorgeous. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to get over it. “Anyway, I’m on my way back up. What are we doing tonight?”We. I love when she says that.
“Well, Hunter and I are actually going to the gym now. We have our first game in a few days, so we’re doing some reps tonight. Rain check?” I really don’t want to rain check, but I’ll regret not training as early as I can.
“No worries! I’ll miss you tonight, but I’ll probably just do something with the girls. If they’re not in a coma, of course,” she jokes.
I laugh hard at that. They’re bothdefinitelyin a coma.
“Just be careful, Allie,” I joke.
She laughs, rolling her eyes. “Yes, Dad, I know.” I just smile. The little smartass. “Talk to you soon, Larson.”
“Talk soon, babe.” I dread hanging up on her.