Page 66 of King Larson
Another night I don’t get to see her. Right when we landed yesterday, we went to our hotel room and fell asleep for hours. Slovakia’s like nine hours ahead, so this is definitely going to take some getting used to.
A husky voice with a Slovak accent sounds at my side. I look up to see what looks like a blond version of Leia. She smiles down at me, and I can’t help but smile back. I stare at her for a few seconds before responding.
“Uh, well kind of. We don’t really have a label on it yet.”
She gives me a confused look. Honestly, I don’t know what we are.Isshe my girlfriend? “You have no label...forit?”
I chuckle. “Sorry, I forgot about the language barrier. No, she’s not really my girlfriend, but we’re dating.” I cringe at that. We talked about being exclusive, but I don’t know if she wants to beofficial.
The girl just smiles and sits down, making me move over.
“Ohhh okay, okay. She’s very pretty.”
Don’t I know it.Wait, was she watching me talk to Leia? “You were watching me?” That’s kind of...weird.
She just smiles at me again. “I saw you come downstairs and sit. You look good too!” I laugh at this. “Do you model?”
“No, I’m a hockey player from the US, and my team is here for a game series against the European collegiate teams.”
Her eyes brighten. “Oh, you play hockey! So does my brother! He plays for Comenius. Boris Varga?” Oh.Oh, I’ve heard of him. He’s five in Europe.
“Yourbrotheris Boris Varga?” She nods frantically at me. “He’s like a celebrity in the hockey world.”
She laughs at that. “Yes, he’s—”
“Jake?” Leia’s voice interrupts the conversation. I look up, and she’s looking between me and the girl. Shit.
“Allie, babe.” I get up and reach out to her. She’s still staring at the girl, sizing her up. Kissing her cheek, I try to get her attention on me. “How was your workout?”
She’s still distracted by the Slovak girl sitting on the hotel fountain.
“It was...good. Who’s your friend?” I mentally facepalm myself. I knew she wasn’t going to give.
The girl gets up and introduces herself. “I’m Milena,” she says with a smile.
Leia’s eyebrows raise. “Milena...pretty.” But it doesn’t sound as friendly as it might sound. I need to get out of this situation.
Milena’s uncomfortable too. “It was very nice to meet you guys. Allie, it was wonderful to meet you.”
Leia is not amused. “It’sLeia, actually. Jake’s the only one who calls me that.”
I close my eyes. Leia has on her claws tonight, and I don’t know if I want to be in the middle of that.
Milena gives another confused look before nodding and waving at us. Leia just stands, looking at the spot Milena was standing in.
“Allie, it wasn’t what it looked like. We were just talking.” I can’t have her going to bed thinking I was chatting up a Slovak girl.
“It’s fine, Jake. Enjoy your workout,” she says, walking away. She’s visibly upset as she gets on the elevator, ignoring my gaze. Well...there goes my night.
I shouldnothave come here.
I knew there would be beautiful girls here because it’s a freakingEuropeancountry. These eastern European countries are infiltrated with drop-dead gorgeous supermodels. And then there’s me...whydid I agree to come to this country again?
“He was talking to a supermodel?!” Taya’s incredulous when I tell her what happened downstairs. We’re all in my room, about to order room service.