Page 38 of Submit
Her heart and soul were crushed, and in all honesty, she didn’t know if she’d ever be able to get past that. The guilt of shutting Stellan and Dietrich out made her feel like a world-class bitch, but really, she would be the one who was heartbroken when it was all said and done.
To them, she would only be a distant memory of the poor, little, chunky girl they tag-teamed in Portugal one month. A bitter laugh rose in her throat.
She liked to think that wasn’t true, that their softly spoken endearments, the gentle caresses, and the way they looked at her as if she were more than just their next conquest had her meaning something more to them.
Why are you doing this to yourself? Just tell them what you’re feeling inside. They might feel the same way, want the same thing.
Maybe, but then again, it could all end up blowing up in her face. She thought on it some more and knew that if she didn’t at least tell them the truth, she would never know what could have been.
And so what if they told her what she felt was not reality? At least she would know, deep down inside, that she put herself out there. Feeling a bit more confident in her decision to talk to them and clear the air, she stood and headed back to the villa. When she neared the home, she saw Stellan and Dietrich on the veranda.
Their backs were to her, but they were close enough that she could hear what they said.
“Dietrich, I think you’re overreacting.” Stellan rested his hand on Dietrich’s shoulder.
“No, you didn’t see her face, Stellan. The woman wants more than I’m willing to give. Than we are willing to give.” Blythe stiffened at his words. She shouldn’t be eavesdropping, but her feet refused to move.
“I’m not saying you’re not right. I’m just saying you need to tread lightly. You don’t want a scandal with the company.” Dietrich inhaled sharply.
“I don’t think she’d pull any kind of shit like that. She needs to be put in her place, to know where we stand. I tried to tell her that, but her expression told me my words wouldn’t have sunk in. She is delusional with how she feels about us.”
The sound of ice clanking in their glasses seemed deafening. Blood rushed through her body, and tears pricked her eyes.
Had she been so wrong about them? You’re a fucking fool, Blythe. Before she heard anything else that would cut her even deeper, she darted up the stairs and through the front door.
It didn’t matter if they heard the door slam shut. She couldn’t bear to look at them after what she heard.
She closed her bedroom door and leaned against it. The beauty that surrounded her was almost like a saccharine slap to the face.
She closed her eyes and slid slowly to the ground. Blythe let the tears fall that she didn’t want to shed.
Chapter Twenty
She had avoided them the entire fucking night. When it was clear she wasn’t coming down, giving them some bullshit excuse that she was tired and didn’t feel well, he had left her alone.
Dietrich wasn’t about to beg to talk to her. Yes, he had important things he wanted to say, things that would change their relationship. But whatever was going through her pretty little head was something she needed to deal with alone until she was ready to open up to them.
Stellan had reluctantly left after hours of waiting to see if she would emerge. She hadn’t. Now, Dietrich sat in his jet ten thousand miles in the air staring at the only woman who tied him in knots and made him feel weak.
And Dietrich wasn’t weak, not by any means. She hardly said two words to him, but he wasn’t about to press her while just feet away his staff could easily hear their very private conversation. He could tell them to leave them alone, but there was also a part of him that was stubborn, wanting for her to come to him.
With that being said, he also wasn’t about to let her withdraw from him, not after what they shared. After Walter and Rebecca went into the galley and shut the door, he leaned forward in his seat.
He knew Blythe was aware of his close proximity by the way she shifted in her seat and made sure to keep her stare on the magazine in her lap.
“Look at me.” His voice was hard.
He was pissed, and he wanted her to know it. It took her a moment to obey him, but when she did, her actions were slow and timid. As soon as her eyes landed on him, they widened. Yeah, he felt fury inside of him, and he knew it had to be showing.