Page 39 of Submit
Dietrich took a moment to calm down before he said anything else.
“You’re going to talk to me. Shutting me out is not happening, Blythe.” The way she licked her lips had his cock hardening. Even pissed, he reacted to her instantly. They needed to talk.
He needed to tell her sorry for pushing her, for not taking things slowly. Running a hand through his hair, Dietrich took a deep breath and leaned back. She hadn’t said anything, but at least she continued to look at him.
“I want to talk to you. There are things that need to be said, and you will not run from me before I can say them.” He heard and saw her swallow. “First, I want to apologize for pushing you.”
She looked like she was about to speak, but he held up his hand to stop her.
“No, let me finish.” He took a deep breath and continued. “You aren’t used to this lifestyle, and I should have eased you into it. I should have given you time, and for that, I’m sorry, but you must realize this is who I am. I can’t change, but I should have been understanding and a lot gentler.”
Shit, she stared at him like a scared rabbit. That was the last thing he wanted. If they were going to have a secure and trusting relationship, he had to earn her trust.
He just hoped he hadn’t lost it for good.
“I’ve been with Stellan for years. I love him. With that being said, we have discussed some things regarding you and the bigger picture—”
“Stop. Please, just stop.” Her voice wavered slightly, but it sounded strong. Blythe shook her head and looked out the window. She swallowed several more times.
“Please be seated and buckle up for our final descent into New York City. It has been a pleasure flying for you, Mr. Moore.” The captain’s voice rang through the overhead speaker. Blythe didn’t look at him as she buckled her seat belt.
He gritted his teeth and counted to ten in his head. He was damn sure not going to let her run away without letting him finish what the fuck he wanted to say.
When she finally did look at him, his heart jumped in his throat at the raw emotion reflected back. “The last thing I want is to get between anyone, cause a rift in a relationship, or make trouble for the company.” A lone tear slid down her cheek, but she wiped it away as quickly as it had arrived.
“Blythe…” He wanted to go to her, ease her sadness, but she shook her head, stopping him from doing any of that.
“Can we just leave it as an incredible time in Europe?” Her words pierced his chest like a serrated knife. He wanted to yell at her, tell her that it was far from okay, but he could already see that she shut him out.
He didn’t respond because he was afraid of his emotions right now.
The plane touched down ten minutes later, and his focus stayed on her the entire time. Blythe made it painfully obvious that she was avoiding him. After she walked off of this jet, she thought she could just leave and forget about what they shared.
He laughed internally. Not fucking likely. When they were given the all-clear to exit, Blythe darted out of the plane like it was on fire. He didn’t stop her as she dashed down the airstairs and across the runway.
When he saw some guy climb out of a Jeep and wrap his arms around her, Dietrich’s blood boiled. The guy easily lifted and spun her around. The smile on both of their faces pissed him off even more.
Was that her lover? He couldn’t imagine she would have been intimate with him and Stellan if she was involved, but what the hell did he know? Fortunately, they didn’t kiss.
Dietrich didn’t know if he would have been able to control himself if that had gone down. He still sat in his seat and stared out the window, watching as she climbed into the Jeep.
He wanted to storm off the fucking jet and stake his claim, but he forced himself to stay back. She glanced at the jet, but he knew she couldn’t see him.
Blythe could have this moment and run, but in the end, Dietrich always got what he wanted, and what he wanted was her with him and Stellan.
Chapter Twenty-One
Her time with Moore Corporations had officially come to an end. The paycheck she received was an incredible amount of money for only working for a month’s time.
It had only been a week since she left Dietrich’s jet, but Blythe couldn’t lie and say she hadn’t thought about him or Stellan every single moment since then.
She felt pathetic for what she thought. Wanting them and letting her emotions cloud her better judgment had been a mistake, but sleeping with them had been a bigger one. Now her heart was broken, and it had only taken one night of bliss and a few short weeks in their presence to accomplish it.