Page 11 of Zander & Zsanine
She sighed. “My timing sucks,” she began.
Zander’s brows wrinkled in response. “What do you mean?”
“We’re having such a good time,” Zsanine replied.
“Hey, talk to me. Whatever it is, we can handle it.”
“Your confidence can be so aggravating sometimes,” she smiled.
“Probably,” Zander agreed.
“But it was shook though when I was beating you on all those games, wasn’t it?” She teased.
“Not in the least bit,” Zander smiled. They laughed together. It was a good laugh.
“Okay, so I told you I was the youngest with three older brothers, right?” Zsanine began as their laughter died down.
“Yes, you mentioned it.”
“Well, the last time my family had Sunday dinner, the conversation of relationships came up.”
“Okay,” Zander replied. “And how did that go?”
“It didn’t,” Zsanine admitted. “My brothers, my family, see me as the baby girl who needs protection from all on-comers of the male persuasion. They were threatening violence without confirmation of anything going on with me, without even knowing there was even someone special in my life.”
Zsanine kind of laughed in response, but Zander could feel there was more.
“How did it make you feel?” He asked.
“The conversation wasn’t unexpected, but before, it didn’t matter. There was no one, so their threats of protection at all costs were idol conversation.”
Zsanine paused before continuing. “But it matters now.”
“Why is that?” Zander asked, his voice soft. The moment was intense. They both felt a cosmic shift even before Zsanine answered.
“Because,” she sighed, “despite my every effort to not allow it, it matters because you matter.”
“You matter to me, too.”
When their eyes met, the rest of the world faded away. The intensity of the moment was not lost on either of them. They felt it. They lingered in it. Zander’s eyes were serenely compelling, calling to a part of Zsanine that he’d awakened. Without further resistance, Zsanine accepted the awakening. They quietly conceded to the feeling of inexplicable oneness.
Zsanine exhaled deeply. The proverbial weight of refusing the love she felt lifted from her shoulders, and she was able to breathe fully. Zander saw that transformative moment as the purest smile invaded her beautiful lips.
“Okay,” she smiled.
They understood the simplicity and power of the question and answer.
“We should eat,” Zsanine suggested, seemingly out of nowhere.
“I am with that one hundred percent,” Zander replied.
“Good cause I’m hungry,” she added, her smile increasing.
“Do you mind if I bless the food before we do?” He asked.
“Please do,” Zsanine replied. Just another one of his endearing qualities. No matter the circumstance, he was mindful of being thankful. They both bowed their heads and closed their eyes. Despite the activity around them, they shared in the prayer together.