Page 12 of Zander & Zsanine
“Great God, we are grateful for your blessings in our lives. Thank you for bringing Zsanine into mine. Thank you for shielding and protecting her. Thank you for extending your love to her. I’m grateful in this moment. Thank you for the food we are now about to receive. Thank you for the hands that prepared it. Amen.”
“Amen,” she echoed, moved by his concern on her behalf.
“Is it inappropriate to kiss after a prayer?” She asked.
“I don’t think the man upstairs has a problem with it,” Zander replied. “As long as it’s sincere.”
“It is,” Zsanine replied. He prayed for her, appealed to the creator on her behalf, and considered her to the highest power. His sentiments were more than endearing. It warmed Zsanine’s heart. She reached up, caressing his face. Her lips found their way instinctively to his, and she kissed Zander with all the gratitude she had in her heart. He felt her emotion as their souls connected, immersing in conjoined space that only they occupied.
“I love you, Zsanine,” he whispered against her lips.
“I love you, too.”
It was her heart that responded with no interruption from her head. She did love Zander. Zsanine knew that in the base of her soul.
“I love you,” she repeated, affirming everything she felt. There was no room to question it because it was the realest feeling she’d ever experienced. They were bonded, connected even before they encountered each other. That’s how it felt like she finally had the missing piece, the match to her energy, the confluence of everything the idea of love promised her. It was all summed up in Zander. He felt it, too, confirmation that the universe had tilted in his direction. When Zsanine spoke those three words to him, although simple, they were powerful because Zander knew he loved her almost from the very beginning. She felt right to him immediately, like an absence he wasn’t always mindful of had been inextricably filled on his behalf. Confirmation of his love fully returned filled him. It was a feeling Zander had never had before.
The first explosion of the fireworks overhead was perfect timing. It was like a celebration of their declaration, spoken for the first time.
“Do you see that shit?”
Bella Di’Carlo’s eyes were narrow and hooded. She peered at Zander and whoever the latest bitch was with historical hurt.
“I see his ass,” she hissed. “And her ass, too,” she simmered.
“Like, what are the chances of us deciding out of nowhere to come to the carnival, and his ass is here?” Bianca asked. The sisters were close enough to read the expressions on the couple's faces. They were too close for comfort. It was painful for both watching Zander look so fuckin’ happy. They weren’t. They hadn’t been for a long time, and it was all his fault. Bianca, too, was seething with the sight of Zander but for a far different reason than her younger sister. Bianca seethed with familial hurt.
The night had been nothing short of magical. By the time Zander and Zsanine returned to her home, they were happily tired but not too tired to continue to enjoy each other’s company. Dutifully, Zander walked Zsanine to her door. She had first date jitters as they stood on her doorstep, not because she didn’t know what a kiss from Zander felt like, but because she wanted more from him than that. She reached for Zander’s hand, and he covered hers with his own.
“Come inside.”
There was no objection from Zander. The heat between them intensified from the moment Zander put the key in the door until the moment the door closed behind them. He was unfamiliar with Zsanine’s space, but she had no problem taking the lead. They were titillatingly entangled from the entryway to the bedroom. He kissed her deeply again, taking Zsanine’s breath away. Her nipples hardened under her clothes, and her puss cried out for sweet relief. Zander wasn’t making this easy. At the moment, Zsanine wasn’t sure she wanted him to. With their lips still locked, Zander started to grind his hips, slow in circular motions. Simultaneously, Zander devoured Zsanine’s tongue and sweetly nibbled her full lips. The throb of Zander’s pole pulsed harder. They moaned and panted with their mouths still close together. Zsanine moaned with him, envisioning the promise his body held for her.
“I want you, Zsanine,” Zander whispered between moans. “I want you.”
Whatever clothing kept them from coming together was jointly discarded in a fury of intimate touches. Zsanine reached for Zander’s hand and led him to her bed. Any feelings of inhibition she previously had had been discarded, just like the clothing she’d worn. As they stood near the side of her bed, Zsanine turned on her heels, coming face to face with him.
“I love you,” she spoke freely and profoundly.
“I love you.”
Zsanine lifted her hands and placed one on each of Zander’s shoulders, pressing, encouraging him to sit on the bed. His thick, veiny manhood stood erect, and her body tensed and then pulsed harshly in response. Zsanine could already feel a pant coming in anticipation of his delectable penetration. She couldn’t wait anymore as her yoni yearned for his company and his company only. Zander felt the same way. The yearning in his core exceeded any yearning he'd ever felt. He needed to be inside her, to feel her, to explore her fully.
Zsanine continued taking complete control. She straddled Zander, maintaining his penetrating gaze. She slowly dragged her delicate hand down the center of his chest, inciting synergistic energy, until she reached his throbbing member.
“Mmm,” she hummed as her fingers trailed his thickness, feeling the press of his veins and the taut of his tip. Zander hummed in response. She was torturing him, and he loved it. Zsanine lifted onto her tiptoes and mounted him.
“Don’t move,” she commanded, taking absolute control of what she wanted from him. It was a freedom she’d never experienced in being safe enough with her lover to allow the fullness of her feminine prowess to show. But she knew he loved her, and that made it easy for Zsanine to give everything she had, everything she held sacred, to him. Once his thickness was securely inched inside of womanly folds, Zsanine lowered herself, feeling him fill her up, inch by delicious inch. Her walls convulsed around his presence, waxing and widening as she descended.
“Ahhh,” she groaned as the slow movement was as torturous for her as it was for Zander. But she wanted to feel him. She wanted her body to accommodate him. She wanted to experience every inch of him until she couldn’t take it anymore. Zsanine pushed Zander backward until he rested on his elbows. She wanted Zander to see how much she enjoyed him. Zsanine leveraged his position, bracing her hands against him and increasing the motion of her hips. She found her rhythm and bounced, squeezing and releasing his fullness, bending him to her will.
“Uhhh, damn girl,” Zander moaned, folding in and then releasing his lips as she playfully punished him with her intoxicating puss. He wanted to touch her. He wanted to grab her, hold her next to him, and love her, but Zsanine had other things in mind. The slow grind she put on Zander drove them both to the brink. Zsanine was very intentional as she made love to him, allowing herself to feel all of it, not rushing past anything but lingering in the moments when their bodies converged, and their souls touched. Then, she descended again painstakingly slow, swiveling her hips as she lowered, squeezing in thickness in her walls, panting with the press as her thighs met his. She was filled with him.
A shiver coursed through Zsanine, and her body ushered forth another orgasm that Zander felt as well. It had been hard for him to take the punishment she so willingly dished out. He needed to fuck her back, and when Zsanine invited him to, Zander was ready. He lifted into her as he lifted from the bed. Zsanine moaned deeply in response.
The motion of Zander’s hips was intoxicating. With every upward thrust, Zsanine could feel the tension rise. Zander’s lips traveled to Zsanine’s ear and down her neck, leaving trails of hot kisses along the way. As Zander neared eruption, he moaned against her chest. She joined his climactic moment, feeling newfound heat between her own thighs.
The two stayed in that moment for a while. No conversation was had, just being in each other’s space, feeling the all-consuming love they felt.