Page 7 of Zander & Zsanine
Chapter Four
“I need to see you.”
“Not want to?” Zsanine asked as she and Zander spoke on the phone as she drove home from her parents.
“No, need to,” Zander clarified unapologetically.
His smooth words never ceased to caress the most girlie part of Zsanine, a part she’d never been fully in touch with because there had been no reason to before.
“I’m driving home now,” Zsanine replied.
“I’ll meet you there,” Zander confirmed.
For the rest of the ride, Zsanine had a smile on her face that couldn’t be erased. Still, she managed to be surprised by her responsiveness to Zander. That feeling was all so new to her. She dared not label what that feeling was, though. It was too soon, right, to have that kind of response to someone. Yet, even though Zsanine didn’t fully acknowledge it, her heart knew. Her soul knew.
Her smile widened as she pulled into her driveway. Zander was already there, waiting for her. Zsanine didn’t know where he came from, but he was there waiting, leaning against his Mercedes convertible, looking dapper. By the time Zsanine emerged from the garage, Zander was standing there waiting for her. The dark jeans and crisp white t-shirt were a perfect complement to the casual outfit Zsanine wore.
“Hey there, beautiful,” he crooned, dissolving the space between them. She willingly walked into his chiseled arms and sighed when he folded them around her. Being in his covering was becoming Zsanine’s favorite place to be.
“Hey, handsome,” she uttered as Zander held her close.
“I missed you,” Zander said, kissing Zsanine lightly on the neck.
“The feeling is mutual,” she answered, feeling the softness of his lips on her skin.
They parted, just enough to bring each other into view.
“Are you ready?” He asked.
“I am,” Zsanine replied. “I just need to lock up first.”
“Take your time. I’m not going anywhere.”
“Good to know,” she smiled.
Zsanine stepped back into the garage and activated the door closer. Once inside, she disarmed the alarm and made her way through the house, confirming everything was as it should be. Before resetting the alarm, Zsanine did a quick check, freshening her lip gloss. She was glad the evening called for casual wear, so she didn’t have to try and change outfits. Her faded jeans that hugged in all the right places, pale pink puff sleeve shirt that rode low on the shoulders, and the beautiful pastel headwrap Zander had given her were perfect for an evening out.
After resetting the alarm, Zsanine stepped out of her house. Zander was right there as he promised, dutifully waiting for her.
“I should have asked you in,” Zsanine said as she met Zander on the landing. “Forgive my rudeness.”
“No worries, love,” Zander reassured. “Everything secure inside?”
“Yes, everything is fine, thanks for asking.” Zsanine meant that genuinely and Zander heard it. Kindness and concern were too often taken for granted. Zsanine vowed not to ever do that because that kind of sentiment spoke to the person’s truest heart.
“Shall I lock the door for you?” Zander asked, his eyes always focused on Zsanine when he spoke to her despite how light the conversation was. Attentiveness mattered.
“Please do,” Zsanine replied, appreciating his gentlemanly tendencies.
She singled out the housekey for Zander as she handed him the set. They made inadvertent contact when she passed the keys. That chill running down her spine that was all too familiar in Zander’s presence chilled Zsanine again.
“Shall we?” Zander asked, returning Zsanine’s keys and smoothly wrapping his arm around her waist.
“We shall,” she smiled in reply. Zsanine felt safe and secure, nestled against Zander. They walked in perfect sync, he naturally abbreviating his step to accommodate hers. Zsanine was so in the moment with Zander that she scantly paid attention to the security detail that accompanied them. To be truthful, they’d become a part of the scenery. They were nonintrusive and easy to miss, especially if one’s attention was focused somewhere else or on someone else.
“Thank you,” Zsanine said after Zander opened the car door for her. He stood close enough that she inhaled his scent as she eased into the passenger seat. He waited until Zsanine was comfortably seated before closing the door. Zander rounded the back of the car and entered on the driver’s side. Zsanine watched as he eased his six-foot-plus frame into the seat. After closing the door, Zander moved close to her.
“Let me get that for you,” he sexily suggested, reaching past her and retrieving the seatbelt. They were so close she felt Zander’s exhale against her skin. Once the belt was securely fastened, Zander lingered.