Page 8 of Zander & Zsanine
“I missed you,” he uttered. “I don’t like that feeling.”
Their eyes connected in that moment. His were dark and unfathomable. Hers were dark and serene. That slight space of time between his nearness and when their lips actually touched was painstakingly sexy. The moment was elongated, tainted with expectation and remembrance. Zsanine scarcely exhaled as her body seized because he was so near. When their lips finally touched, Zander’s kiss was surprisingly gentle, so gentle that Zsanine allowed herself to relax into the moment. There was undeniable power in his kiss, though, intimate and ensnaring and commanding in its softness.
Zander left her hungry as he eased from her, his eyes leaving her last before settling into his seat and putting on his own seatbelt. The hum of the Mercedes was the only thing that tempered Zsanine’s thoughts as Zander moved from the curb. He connected with Zsanine again, reminding her of how much he did miss her as he reached over and folded her hand into his. His touch was reassuring and re-emphasizing.
“I didn’t ask. Where are we going?”
“I thought we’d do something fun, unpretentious,” Zander replied.
“Like?” Zsanine questioned, curious as to what he had in mind.
“The carnival,” Zander said with a smile. When he stole a glance in her direction, Zsanine was smiling, too.
“Yay,” she guffawed. “Besides, I love carnival food,” Zsanine’s smile widened.
“That makes two of us.”
“This should be fun.”
“I think so, too,” Zander agreed.
They vibed the remainder of the car ride. They didn’t have to be in any hurry. They had already truly reached their destination, being together. Zsanine was finding it easier and easier to relax, be herself, and live in the moment with Zander. She refused to overthink, overanalyze, or talk herself out of what she felt in her heart.
When the couple arrived at the carnival, the sun was just setting on the horizon. The sky was painted a beautiful mosaic of deep purple, burgundy, and a latent sun-kissed orange. It wasn’t too hot, and it wasn’t too cold. The temperature was just perfect for a night out. The bright lights from the carnival rides were just lighting up, and jovial sounds could be heard as Zander and Zsanine walked hand in hand toward the entrance. It was exciting just being there. Zsanine couldn’t recall the last time she allowed such frivolity in her life. It was long overdue.
“I suggest we do the rides first, the action rides,” Zander clarified, “before we find all the good carnival food. What do you think?”
“Sounds like a plan.”
Zsanine liked a man with a plan. Actually, she liked Zander probably more than she cared to admit that he could have fun without pretense or pressure. That he was so confident in who he was as a man carried over into doing things that, to some, seemed childish was a huge turn-on for Zsanine.
The roller coaster ride was everything. As always, he made sure she was secure in her seat and safely locked in before the ride started. When they climbed the hill, they both raised their hands, daring to brave the drop that they knew was coming. When she screamed on the descent, Zander screamed with her, so she didn’t appear afraid alone. They laughed. Boy, did they let loose and laugh. It was amazing. They followed up the rollercoaster with the Buccaneer, a large ship that swung in the air at increasing increments.
“This one makes me nervous,” Zsanine admitted as they sat in a long row of passengers.
“Why, beloved?”
“Because, the drops never stop,” she confessed laughingly.
“That’s the fun part.”
“I know,” she moaned as the ride started. “Oh shit,” Zsanine giggled as she misjudged the start of the ride. “Sorry,” she immediately apologized.
“For what?” Zander asked as the ride moved higher in the warm Las Vegas air.
Zsanine didn’t have time to answer him back. The descent from the ride was already catching her in the belly. Zander wrapped his arm around her shoulders as the ride ascended and descended again. Zsanine joined in with the other riders, collectively screaming with each descent. It was hilarious and thrilling, and fun. Zander tried not to laugh when she buried her face against his chest, but the comical moment was just too hard to pass up. As the ride slowed, Zander checked in with Zsanine.
“Are you okay, love?”
She popped her head up and narrowed her eyes when she looked into his.
“You laughed at me,” Zsanine folded her arms across her chest and pouted, her mouth downturned, exaggerating the pout by pushing out her lower lip.
“Aww, babe,” Zander hummed, closing in and kissing her pout. Zsanine refused to kiss him in return despite how difficult that was. When she didn’t, Zander’s eyes found hers again, and he refused to be denied, wrapping his arms around her, pulling her close, and kissing that pouty lip again.
“You know you want to,” he hummed against her mouth.
The ride had stopped. Most people were getting off the ride. Zander could care less. Zsanine resisted as long as she could, but the sexy smile Zander wore and the third kiss on her lips broke her resolve. She did want to kiss him. She did kiss him. The ride administrator called out, breaking their entrancement.