Page 27 of Earl of Spades
Ash woke before the sun and slipped from the bed, then dressed as quietly as he could manage. He knew Lily must be exhausted. They’d hardly been asleep for three hours. But he also needed to check on their friend.
Ox, Lily called him. He could see why.
As he made his way outside, he attempted to decide if it would be better to kill the man right now or not. Eventually, he’d have to, he reckoned.
But right this moment, killing him might actually alert the other members of their ring that he and Lily were part of this group.
Still, he itched to eliminate the threat and make Lily feel safe.
He’d seen Ox laying out his roll in an unused stall as he’d peered through a crack in the boards. Edge had gone in and spoke to Lockton about nothing, really. His presence was meant as distraction, nothing more.
But as he approached the stables, Lockton met him at the doors. “He’s gone.”
Lockton shrugged. “My assumption is he left because nothing aroused his suspicion. He’s still on the hunt.”
“Or he’s gone to collect the others.” Fear for Lily rippled through him.
Lockton frowned. “Without attempting to recapture Lily?”
“Would you face us alone? I bested him when I was only one man and he had three other men with him.” And he had far more incentive. A beautiful woman was depending on him. He’d never allow Ox to hurt her.
Lockton’s frown deepened. “Either way, we should get moving. Quickly.”
Ash nodded and then turned, jogging back toward the inn. Within the hour, they were ready to leave. He helped Lily into the carriage, her large violet eyes holding questions she hadn’t asked and he hadn’t answered.
He didn’t want to frighten her.
As he took his position at the front with Lockton, the large Scot looked over at him with his brows raised. “The way you look at that woman…”
“What about it?”
“Makes me think we should head back to Gretna Green.”
Ash grunted. “I’m not the marrying kind.”
“Who amongst us is? Hasn’t stopped the rest of them.”
“And you?”
It was Lockton’s turn to grunt. “I’ve not met the lady yet who could tame my wicked heart.”
That made Ash smile. A little. “What would she look like if she did?”
Lockton shrugged. “It doesn’t matter. No woman would be foolish enough to try to catch me. I’m not worth the effort.”
Ash thought about those words. He likely wasn’t the worth the effort either. At least, his father had never thought so.
“Behind us,” Edge called from the back of the group. Everyone stopped as Edge and Clubs turned to face whoever was riding up on them.
Ash pulled his hat down lower as they waited for whomever was coming. He looked at the carriage, hoping that Lily wasn’t too worried inside.
“You stay here,” Lockton said as he snapped the reins of his horse. “I’m going to cover the back with Edge as he confronts whoever is traveling behind us.”
“Good idea,” he said as he shifted in his saddle, trying to catch a glance of who was following them.