Page 28 of Earl of Spades
He caught sight of two horsemen, dusty and road-worn.
Ash likely appeared the same, and yet he didn’t like the look of these two men. He stepped over to his horse, closer to the carriage, wanting to be on hand in case one of these men started for the vehicle.
“Hey there,” one of the travelers called.
“Hello,” Edge responded. “We’ve a carriage. Feel free to pass.”
But the men pulled to a stop instead. “We’ve not seen a great many travelers. What brings you here?”
“You’ve not seen many people on the Great North Road?” Clubs asked.
“Not many, no.”
Ash tensed, worry coursing through him. Lily deserved all the comfort one life could bring and this was the opposite of safe and happy. He not only intended to deliver her safely away from these criminals but he had to find a way to secure her future.
Then he gave himself a shake. First, they had to shake these men.
Edge cleared his throat. “We’ve come from Gretna Green. Weddings are our business. And you?”
“Traders,” the other answered. “Seeking our goods.”
“Don’t let us stand in your way,” Lockton growled out. “Pass on by.”
The men started forward, Lockton following behind them, spurring them on faster as they quickly passed Ash.
“We’re hemmed in now,” Lockton muttered. “Some ahead and some behind.”
“They don’t believe us,” Edge added, coming up next to them. “They suspect we’re the party they’re searching for.”
“Damn,” Lockton growled. “What’s next?”
“We keep moving. See if we can’t find some reinforcements in one form or another. The further south we go, the safer we’ll be.” Ash looked back at the carriage where Lily sat.
One way or another, he had to succeed.
Lily could hear the men talking. Her head swam as she noted the worry in their voices.
They were being penned in. Criminals ahead, others behind.
She clutched her hands together, her breath coming in short gasps. The bottoms of her feet tingled with the need to escape.
“Lily,” Arabella said, reaching out her hand. “You’ve gone completely pale. What’s wrong?”
“Did you hear them? We’re surrounded.”
Arabella grabbed her hands, looking deep into her eyes. “East, Edge, Lockton, and Clubs will keep us safe.”
“How do you know?” she asked, her voice catching on the last word. She trusted Ash, but he was only one man against so many… A vision of his powerful frame rose in her thoughts, and she drew in a deep breath. He’d bested four men to rescue her. He could do it again.
“They’ve done it before,” Lizzie said with a reassuring smile. “And honestly, I don’t know anyone stronger than my husband.”
Arabella winked at Lily. “Of course he is.”
Lizzie snorted. “You think I’m silly and in love, but I’m telling you. He left his father’s support and made his own way in the world. He understands men like the ones chasing us. He’ll keep us safe. I know it.”
Lily swallowed. For the first time in her life a bit of jealousy tickled at her insides. What would it be like to feel so cared for? To trust someone else so completely? Was it foolish or freeing?
They started moving again and Lily peered out the window. She didn’t wish to stay in this carriage. She knew the men who wanted to take her were about and she’d risk discovery outside the carriage, but she’d like to ride with Ash.