Page 15 of Miami Bound
Chapter Eight
Essex understood Miami’shesitance, but he had no intention of letting it stand in his way. Looking down at her sleeping form outlined by the sheet, he pulled in a deep breath. Their lovemaking earlier this evening had reached a level of intimacy he’d never experienced. He was convinced their souls merged for several seconds before returning with a small piece of the other person’s spirit. The experience could only be described as life-changing. Realizing Giles was standing on the other side of the enormous bed, Essex studied his friend’s expression.
Giles looked exactly like Essex felt. The other man looked up and smiled before canting his head toward the door. The unspoken request to meet outside the bedroom was easy to understand, and the two men slipped out. Moving to the kitchen, they weren’t surprised to see other members of the team gathered around the large kitchen island.
“This island should have its own zip code.” One of the younger team members smoothed his palm over the marble surface and shook his head.
Essex agreed—the kitchen looked like something from a design magazine. Hell, the stove must have cost a small fortune, and the refrigerator belonged in a high-end restaurant.
“Probably waiting for Uncle Sam to assign it, and we all know how long it takes the government to get shit done.” Everyone chuckled because timeliness was one issue every member of the Prairie Winds special teams mentioned when they joined. Circumventing mountains of red tape and not having their hands tied by bureaucratic bullshit was one of the Wests’ biggest advantages. The team fell silent as Essex and Giles made their way to the refrigerator. Pulling out two bottles of water, Essex handed one to Giles before the two of them leaned against the counter.
“Any activity in the vicinity?” Giles asked the question that had been dancing on the tip of Essex’s tongue.
“Nothing suspicious. We’re having trouble getting Saraya settled. It sounds like we’ll be moving her back to Austin as soon as Kyle can arrange it.” Essex frowned at Brooks, who shrugged. “I tried warm milk, but she looked at me as if I’d grown a second head.”
“Turns out Romeo here needs a little coaching.”
“No shit. There are a lot more effective… and entertaining ways to help a woman sleep.”
Brooks flushed the deepest shade of red Essex had ever seen paint someone’s cheeks which was tantamount to tossing gas on the fire of the group’s laughter.
Every man on the team fell silent when their phones beeped at the same time. The open laptop on the counter showed a woman in running shorts and a sports bra slipping out the back door.
“When’s the last time anyone checked on Saraya?” Essex was already moving toward the front door. With a little luck, she’d circle the house and head to the beach. Moving into the shadows, he caught the scent of something floral on the night breeze seconds before a small person crept past him. Stretching his arm out and wrapping it around her waist, Essex lifted the familiar figure off her feet. “Where are you going, baby?” She’d started to scream until his whispered words cut through the fog of fear.
“Holy fucking hell, you scared me. I was on my way to the kitchen when I saw Saraya disappear down the back stairs. I hoped to head her off by taking a shortcut.” Chuckling to himself, Essex was equal parts impressed and frustrated that she hadn’t asked for their help. “Let me guess, you’ve finished setting up the security system, and she set off enough alarms to bring the calvary.”
“Shhh.” Using his finger, he pointed to Saraya. She was making her way down the sidewalk, but she didn’t seem to be adjusting to the darkness as easily as Miami.
“Fuck a pink duck. It’s as dark as the inside of a cat out here. If they’d let me go back into Houston to the damned course to work out, I wouldn’t be in this pickle.”
Essex frowned; he hadn’t known she’d asked to work out.
“Tell you what, darlin’, let’s get you to the airport, and we’ll have a conversation about adding a few things to the obstacle course at Prairie Winds.”
Essex wasn’t sure how Del West had remained hidden when he was so damned close to where he and Miami were hidden. Hell, as his grandmother used to say, if he’d been a snake, he would have bitten them. He felt Miami’s entire body shift and knew she planned to step forward. Tightening his arm around her torso, Essex shook his head.
“Who are you, and what makes you think I want to get on a plane?” Saraya was doing her best to sound confident, but Essex heard the warble in her voice.
“I’m Del West. Kent and Kyle are my sons.”
“So, you’re married to the lady I mowed over on the pier? She said her husband was named Dean. Oh, wait…” When Del chuckled, Essex heard Saraya’s soft curse. “Damn. I’m really sorry about knocking her over.”
“Lilly’s tough, and she’ll use the story to get my brother to agree to the trip to the Antarctic she’s been trying to talk him into.” Essex assumed Saraya must have looked confused because the older man quickly explained. “Dean and I are both married to Lilly. She’s perfect for us, and it takes both of us to keep up with her.”
“Just when I think things can’t get any weirder.” Saraya’s words were softened by the obvious amusement lacing her tone.
“I wasn’t kidding about the plane. I’m glad I caught up with you before you headed down the beach. Something tells me I wouldn’t have been able to keep up… you know, cowboy boots and all.”
“Yeah, it has nothing to do with his love of late-night whiskey and fishing instead of working out.” Del West stepped from the shadows, followed by several members of the team.
“Saraya, my cynical brother, Del.”
Her head swiveled between the two men several times as she took in their identical appearance.
Essex grinned. He understood her reaction since his had been similar when he met the mirror image twins.
“It’s nice to meet you. Are you serious about having a place I can train until this mess is cleared up? I know it doesn’t seem like this is an appropriate time to think about training, but I need to find a way to expend some energy. I can’t sleep, and I’m bordering on thinking myself into oblivion.”