Page 16 of Miami Bound
Essex watched as the group escorted Saraya to a waiting van behind the house. Within minutes the group was on their way to the small airport. They would land in Austin before transferring to Prairie Winds by car. Kent and Kyle were currently building a private airstrip but hadn’t been able to secure enough land to accommodate larger aircraft.
Giles joined them after helping the group load.
“Why didn’t you call out for help?” Giles’s direct question had Miami stiffening in Essex’s arms. When she would have stepped away, Essex growled a warning against her ear.
“No more running, Miami.” She sighed but didn’t fully relax. This was the second time she’d thrown caution to the wind and run to the aid of someone else. His urge to protect her was only tempered by admiration for courage.
“I didn’t want to sound an alarm if she wasn’t planning to leave the house. There’s a gym downstairs, and she could have been going there.”
Essex chuckled as much because of the astonished look on his friend’s face as her assumption they weren’t aware the gym she referred to was an empty room.
“Okay, okay. Don’t give me that look. I know there isn’t any equipment in there, but I wasn’t sure Saraya had time to check it out.”
“Keep digging, baby. You’re racking up swats like a champ, and I’m going to love watching your pretty ass turn bright red.” When he finally released her, Essex was pleased she only moved far enough to turn and face them.
“If you take a moment to stop and think, you’ll remember swats aren’t much of a punishment for me.”
Essex nearly laughed out loud at her petulant words and defiant posture. He loved women with spunk, and Miami had it in spades.
“I had hoped to talk to Saraya and find out where her head was. With a little luck, she’d have talked to me long enough for everything to fall into place, and no one else would have known how much she was struggling. People deal with trauma in different ways. Who am I to say what’s best for her? Besides, there isn’t much in this world I hate more than a snitch.”
“Understood. For the record, I agree in theory, but when your personal safety is on the line, we won’t give two shits about your moral high road.” Giles wasn’t backing down.
Essex agreed with him but also recognized the importance of timing and the wisdom of choosing your battles.
“Let’s move this discussion inside where we aren’t so exposed. The argument seems moot at this point, so I believe we have time to work through the issue.”
Hopefully, we can table this until cooler heads prevail and Giles doesn’t send her running to another hemisphere.
Miami stomped towardthe back door, feeling like a cartoon character who had steam shooting out her ears. As frustrated as she was, she’d probably shoot that damnedwabbitherself if she had the chance, and she loved Bugs Bunny. She’d always thought Elmer Fudd got what was coming to him for wearing that ridiculous hat. Hell, any rabbit who had an elevator and a television in its rabbit hole should have an automatic exemption from being hunted.
“Bugs? As in Bunny? What the hell is that about?”
Miami shook her head in annoyance when she heard Essex’s softly spoken question.
Dandy. Just fucking dandy. I probably said that all out loud, and now they’ll think I’m a lunatic.
Resolving to kick her job hunt into high gear, Miami started making a mental list of the things she needed to finish in the house. Once it was completed, she’d need to decide whether she wanted to keep it for herself or sell it.Face it, the place is way too big for one person.The taxes and insurance alone would be astronomical. Her education was so specific, it was practically worthless to anyone other than a high-level investigation team.
Miami stopped so suddenly, Essex was forced to wrap her in his arms to keep from knocking her off her feet. She barely noticed because her mind was spinning with possibilities. Her thoughts rocketed from wondering if Essex and Giles could suggest companies who might need her skills to the sudden realization, she knew far more about the man who’d dropped her in the ocean than she’d originally thought. The mental trip had only taken a fraction of a second, and she’d made a couple of stops along the way.
“I know where he’s from.” She spoke the words out loud, but they were meant more for her own comfort than anyone else’s.
“Come on. Let’s get inside.” Giles grasped her upper arm, ushering her to the door so quickly, Miami had trouble keeping her feet under her.
“Geez, Louise. Slow down unless you want me to faceplant.” Rather than slow his pace, Giles snaked an arm around her torso, lifting her until her feet were no longer touching the ground. “In most social circles, it’s considered rude to pick people up because they are moving slower than you want to go. Makes me wonder what you’re like in a grocery store. I’ll bet you get hit over the head with purses a lot.” She heard him mutter something that didn’t sound like an agreement as Essex chuckled behind her.
“I’ll have you know, I’m practically revered by the elderly female shoppers where my mother shops. They think I’m the sweetest fellow around. They even like me more than Essex, and that never happens.”
Miami wasn’t sure whether or not Giles was joking. He wasn’t an easy man to read, but it was hard to imagine little old ladies not tripping over themselves when confronted with Essex’s charm.
“I’m more approachable, according to people who decide such things. Remember that psychic in New Orleans who said your aura was formidable? It’s not my fault I’m loveable.”
She knew Essex was teasing Giles in an effort to lighten the mood, but she also sensed this particular argument was ongoing.
“You’re both formidable, and I think anyone who misses that mark pays for their mistake.” Neither man responded, but they were practically glowing with pride. Essex spoke into his phone as they rushed her up the stairs. Miami caught enough of the conversation to know he was setting up a virtual meeting. She wasn’t sure who he was talking to until she heard him comment on how helpful his dad had been. Smiling to herself, she remembered how effectively Del West handled the situation downstairs.