Page 103 of Blakely and Liam
“This is not against you. At all. You and I will make a success of that pub and hotel together, and we will take stock, two months, six months, heck we can even keep the ‘for sale’ sign up, if you want, but if a buyer comes we will sell a working pub and motel. We will be proud of ourselves.”
“I canna ask ye tae leave LA, yer home—”
I raised my brow. “Did you mean it when you said you were going to marry me?”
“Aye.” He ran his hand through his hair.
“And you were prepared to live here in LA?”
He nodded.
I huffed. “But you hate LA, you’d be willing to do it for me?”
“Aye, I would.”
“Then you have to let me return the favor. I want to go where you have to be, too. I don’t have a business anymore, I am between projects, let’s go on an adventure, Liam.”
“What about yer house, ye love the view.”
“Half of what you think you need in life is bullshit, Liam. You and I don’t need this, let’s go off and have a peak experience. Let’s go do a hard thing.”
“Ye want tae run a pub and a terrible motel in the middle of nowhere?”
I put my hands on my hips. “I’ve never wanted anything more in my life.”
He grinned. “Ye only came up with this idea forty-five minutes ago, ye need more time tae think it through.”
“I have completely thought this through. But also, I do know one thing, we should not over think this. Both of those things are equally important.”
“This seems tae be the kind of thing we ought tae overthink.”
“You poor sweet lovable Scot. You are so hot, and so pretty, and you are so wrong, we need to be an albatross, flapping toward our dreams.”
He laughed.
“Liam, there is absolutely no downside.”
He jokingly sighed. “Och nae, I suppose we are goin’ tae move tae the middle of nowhere.”
“We are moving to the middle of nowhere. Probably tomorrow. Without overthinking.”