Page 104 of Blakely and Liam
Rest of our lives
That’s how two weeks later I was drivin’ Blakely’s car intae town, our destination, while she had her feet up on the dash, hummin’ tae the radio, textin’.
“I just told Jess we’re at the end of the road.” She texted and reported tae me, “She sends her love and she wants the recipe for the chili you made the other night.”
“Tell her I will send it in the mail.”
She texted some more. “I told her that I would send it by text, later, once you write it down. She says she misses us already.”
Her phone beeped. “Okay, now Frank and George are FaceTiming.”
She held the phone up and George and Frank were on the screen saying, “Hey! Blakely and Liam, what are you doing?”
I said, “Hello! We are drivin’ intae town now.”
Frank said, “What in the world, are you still on the road? You left days ago, you should have been there... what... how long?”
Blakely laughed, “Yes, it’s been days, it’s been many long days.”
Frank said, “Dear god, you’ve lost your minds.”
George said, “Remember this next time, you ought to fly.”
Blakely said, “I was showing Liam middle America.”
Frank said, “For a whole week? That is too long, too too too long. What in the world is in the middle of America that would be worth seeing?”
I said, “We saw a verra big ditch.”
Frank said, “The Grand Canyon?”
“Aye, and some cars planted in the ground on-end, covered in paint.”
They laughed. Frank said, “That seems worth it — okay, you two crazy kids, have fun, we’ll be there in a month to visit, make sure our hotel room is ready!”
They hung up and Blakely adjusted in her seat. “They are right, my ass hurts, this has been a long drive.”
“Well, we are here now.” I pointed, “See, Blakely, the pub and the motel are up ahead, but our new house is down this road here.”
I slowed as we came tae the house, a nice short-term rental, because we were takin’ our plan slowly.
As we pulled up in the gravel drive, she joked, “Walking distance, cool.”
I chuckled. “Not cool, tis no’ walking’ distance, if ye canna see it from the porch ye hae tae drive it. Everyone kens it is true.”
“Well, after driving through Vegas, Amarillo, Oklahoma City, Little Rock, and Nashville for the past week I think we both need to walk a bit. We’ll take a stroll to dinner.”
We walked up to the porch and she slowed me for a kiss in front of the door. “This is a new threshold for us, a new day, a new everything, you know?”
I teased, “Ye hae said that every step of the way for the past week.”
“I mean it every time, I will wake you up every morning, Liam, for the rest of our lives, and say to you, this is a new day for us. You may tire of it, you may tease me, but I will still do it, because it’s important.”
“Och aye, I want ye to say it, please daena ever stop saying it tae me every day.”
We entered our new home and she went around lookin’ in doors and inspectin’ cabinets and I thought on her, Woodshee — she had blown intae m’life as if she were brought upon a storm and somehow I had known, from that first moment that she was goin’ tae be permanent. I hadna been able tae keep her from my thoughts, and had—
She turned around and said, “Whatcha thinking about? How small these cabinets are?”
I said, “I was thinkin’ I love ye, from the first moment I laid eyes on ye, I hae loved ye, and I thank ye for loving me in return.”
She smiled wide. “This, my love, is the beginning of something great.”