Page 25 of Almost There
“Where else would it be?” Agnes continued to climb. “I can’t get clear wavelengths in this valley without a little height.”
The wooden box she’d first thought was a chimney was cramped with a single stool and desk. Tessa pressed herself against the wall, hunching her shoulders for once, as Agnes sat on the seat. Robin and the kids were still laughing in the room beneath their feet.
Agnes switched on the lantern in her radio hut that felt more like a treehouse than a phone booth. The lights on the radio lit up as she powered on the device and she worked the dials to tune in the frequency as Tessa’s mind wandered.
It was all so complex, frequencies and wavelengths, but one day she’d like to sit down to figure it out. Not today though. Agnes was nice enough, but she had a sharp tongue and rough hands. She didn’t seem like the teaching type. Besides, they’d already bothered her enough. Maybe someone back home would have a ham radio. She struggled to think of who would be prepared in that way. Maybe the Murphys? They used to have a police scanner and loved to gossip the latest news, but that was a lifetime ago.
Home. The word hit her again. It wasn’t really home they were going to, but it once was. Except she didn’t really know much about it anymore. True, they’d been back to visit. But there were secrets and places she and Landon had learned to ignore, people they didn’t speak to on quick vacations. Did she really know what home was? I wish you were coming with me.
“NA6E, calling NA6E, this is WI7OL. Do you copy? I repeat, NA6E, NA6E, this is WI7OL.”
Tessa twisted her hands behind her back, breathing in deeply to quiet the unrealistic budding hope that tonight’s call would bring an end to this crazy journey. If he was home, they could go back. She’d find a way to get to him.
“Copy.” Arthur’s tone was short as he handed over the transceiver.
“Hey Agnes,” Sally’s warm voice bubbled over the radio and filled the tiny room. “Did she make it to you yet?”
“She’s here.” Agnes chuckled. “You know that little girl of hers got Bertha in the coop all by herself. Snatched her up like it was nothing. Sally, you should have seen it.”
“You did not let those kids in there with those mean old hens,” Sally snapped.
Mean old hens? Tessa’s jaw dropped.
“Close your mouth unless you want to eat flies.” Agnes motioned Tessa forward and put the transceiver in her hands. “Tell her hello so she’ll stop worrying.”
Tessa pressed the button on the foreign handset, but it worked just like Caterpillar’s did. “Hey Sally. We’re here safe. Are you and Arthur okay?” She paused, taking another breath before she asked the question she really wanted, “Is Landon back yet?”
The silence between them stretched for too long, punctuated by the sound of her heartbeat in her ears.
“Now don’t you worry about us,” Sally finally said. “We’re fine. The neighbor with the awfully big lips did come up this morning to check your house, but Arthur sent her away. She needs a bath. We’ve been talking about checking on her in a few days…”
Interference broke the rest of her words and Agnes reached for the handset. “Come again? We didn’t catch the last bit.”
“No news from Landon yet, but we’re keeping an eye out.”
Tessa’s heart cracked even though she didn’t think there was any more pieces left to break. Where are you? She closed her eyes, sending a silent prayer to the universe that he wasn’t stuck on the ship somewhere. That he was at least safe.
Arthur’s voice was an anxious whisper in the background and Sally let the line go silent.
“There he goes again. He’s always got something to say.” Agnes rolled her eyes as she pressed the button on the transceiver. “My cobbler is going to burn if we stay up here much longer.”
“I’m here,” Sally replied. “We have a little bit of a problem, but I don’t want you to worry.”
Tessa moved closer to the radio, instantly worried.
“We haven’t been able to get in contact with the last stop in Idaho since yesterday night. They know you are coming, but Arthur wants you to wait at the next safe house in northern Nevada until we can verify that nothing is wrong. We just spoke with them an hour ago and they know you are going to stay a bit longer if needed. It’ll be a good place for the kids to rest anyway. You stay safe and we’ll be in touch again tomorrow night.”
The color drained from Tessa’s face and she backed up straight into the wall. Why are you putting your kids’ lives in these strangers’ hands? The room was suddenly too small, the wood closing in, and she struggled to breathe. Of course this plan wasn’t foolproof. You’ve just gotten lucky so far. And you can’t rely on dumb luck.
“Are you okay?” Agnes arched an eyebrow.
“I’m fine,” Tessa rushed out the response as she inched to the door and the ladder below, her mind spinning with the anxious thoughts so fast she was about to drown. You’re not going to make it.
Stop. She pressed her forehead against the cool metal ladder and inhaled deeply. We’re almost there, more than halfway. Just come up with a new plan. She slipped down the last few rungs and landed on her feet.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Agnes asked after she’d climbed down to the deck. “Arthur is tightly wound. It’s probably nothing to worry about.”
The sun was setting over the mountains in the west and the moon rose high in the desert sky as the cool night wind whipped around them, freezing the sweat on the back of Tessa’s shirt and sending shivers up her spine. She nodded. Agnes regarded her a moment longer, seeing everything and saying nothing.