Page 20 of Sing Me a Song
“How many this year?” Kenny asks as he removes his cloak.
“The magisters requested four.” I answer him.
“Including Tempest.” His knowing smirk pisses me off.
“As you wanted.” I nod once.
“Four this year will bring you back into favor with the magisters, then maybe we can work on that new album.” Kenny says.
That’s what happens when you’re young and salivating for fame and fortune, you agree to absurd terms for it and choose to ignore the darker requirements. Our commitment now belongs to a secret group that believes all great things move in the dark. Too bad we have become the most dangerous things moving in that dark now and we have our own fucking plans.
“Everything is planned, Magus.” Torrent interjects. “We should get going because the girls have already taken off.”
Squall and Hail nod as Kenny looks between all of us. He touches each of our heads and then nods his dismissal.
“I will see you all soon.”
I follow the guys out of Kenny’s house and breathe in the calming air. I need to get to Dominica and I need to get my hands on the girl whose face hasn’t left my mind in days. It’s a first for me and I can’t decipher if it’s because I’m craving her defiance or I want my dick inside of her.
This will be a weeklong affair of challenging my demon and fucking every orifice on her body.
“Let’s get on this fucking plane.” Torrent growls as he dips his pinky nail into a baggie of coke, then hands it to me.
I do the same, taking a few bumps into each nostril. I am going to need to take the edge off this anticipation I feel. I have been disciplined and I won’t let that be destroyed by a girl with hair like a raven and eyes like the storm her name represents.
“This abstinence rule before our leader’s birthday is fucking cruel.” Squall moans as he grabs his cock through his jeans.
“It’s for one fucking week.” Hail shoves at him and we all chuckle.
Squall is an addict of a different sort. Sure, he likes drugs and partakes in alcohol but he needs sex. His dick being in anyone erases the jumble of thoughts in his mind and helps him forget his past. It’s not healthy but none of us are remotely healthy.
We work hard to make our lives a success, to live in luxury, and to achieve all our desires. It doesn’t fucking matter how we get there, as long as we do in the end. And we always fucking get there.
Our success came from sacrifices, our own, and plenty from the other members. Sacrifice is the key to all answers and we sacrifice everything for our own gain. When we joined this organization, this one rule was beaten into us and it’s one that will stay with us until we die. It’s the reason none of us are married or have families and we never will. We are our own most important entity and no one else can come before ourselves. No one, not even the very people that brought us into the fold.
Our boundaries are each other and as the band’s leader, I make sure we stay on the right path. Therefore, every year we use my birthday as our thanks to the ones that set us free, that led us from the over searing light and into the safety of the dark. It's our time to indulge in all the power we possess and to show we are grateful. I can’t fucking wait to show the magisters and our very own Magus just how grateful we are.
"The orphanage burnt down last week." Hail states quietly and we all stop to look at him. "They said it was faulty wiring."
"Sounds like someone went back and did what we were all wanting to do eventually." Torrent snarls, his pupils the size of pinpricks.
We are all from the same orphanage and the place was run by Catholic nuns that liked to forget their vows of celibacy when we were alone. Even the Catholic priests that came for Sunday services liked to make sure we boys swallowed every drop of the lord's grace.
No wonder we were so quick to jump on the bus leading us to the other side of religion, and quick to drop the ones preaching about the light but committing the darkest crimes. We no longer wanted to praise a lord that took that praise in the form of raping young kids.
"The kids?" I ask.
"Twenty-three dead including four nuns. Sister Jane was among them." Hail says quietly.
Ah, sister Jane. She liked to whip us when we misbehaved then fuck us with the whip's handle after, just to drive home our sins. She was the evilest, some would say that she was the fucking devil.
"Then let's be thankful for their sacrifice in ridding the Earth of Sister Jane." I nod and the others do the same.
Like I said, sacrifice is the key to all answers.
Chapter Twelve