Page 21 of Sing Me a Song
It's breathtaking here, the trees are a lush green, and the ocean is a sparkling clear turquoise. I have never seen anything like it. We are staying in a large mansion that easily has twenty rooms and as Sky and I were wandering around, we found a ballroom of sorts along with a large dining room.
There's a staff that comes at regular intervals with drinks and food, and a cook came to announce our dinner this evening, duck, and vegetables. I've never had duck, growing up, I was lucky if I had chicken to go with my ramen noodles.
"Did you read the itinerary in your room?" Sky asks as she downs her third glass of wine.
"I did." We have tonight off to settle in but starting tomorrow evening from five pm onward, we are to be present for all festivities.
"Let's take advantage of this free time and get drunk."
She's acting like this is a hard gig and it's starting to grate on my nerves. This is easy work and the pay is well and above premium. I decide to get up and start mingling with the other girls. Why not make friends with some girls that are as excited to be here as me?
I see a group of three girls, all blonde, tall, and willowy standing around the bar. I head to them and they smile when I approach.
"Hey." I give a short awkward wave and they all chuckle. "I'm Tempest."
"Nice stage name." One girl says and the others nod.
"It's my stage name and actual name." I grin and roll my eyes.
"Sweet. I'm Nova and this is Lavender and Silk." Nova points to the other girls. "We're a little nervous and about to take some shots, you in?"
"Yes!" I grin and watch as Nova pulls out a bottle of Patron.
My eyes open to complete darkness and I try to decipher why my heart is beating wildly. What woke me up out of a dead, alcohol induced slumber?
"You look like an angel when you sleep," I gasp at his voice. "Such a vast difference from the demon you resemble during the day."
"Raiden?" I sit up in bed and the blackness swirls in front of me. I had too many tequila shots.
"I've been trying to convince myself not to kill you for looking so angelic. I hate all things associated with Heaven and its occupants." He rasps.
"Kill me?"
His hands land at the foot of my bed and he begins to crawl up my body. His face looks menacing and I try to make my body move, but the combination of fear and liquor is making that impossible.
I notice two things right away, one, he has only a pair of boxers on and his gorgeous, bronzed skin shimmers, two, he has a switchblade in his hand.
Why the fuck does he have a knife in his hand?
I shimmy away from him and pull myself up against the headboard but he just keeps coming until he’s hovering over my body, his face in front of mine.
“I can see your neck pulsing rapidly with fear.” He utters. “Why are you scared?”
“You just said you wanted to kill me.” I whisper and then yelp when he yanks the covers off my body. I begin to shake with pure fear.
“If that's what I want to do, you can’t stop it.” I watch his full lips turn up into a cruel grin, showcasing his bright white teeth. “You belong to me.”
I open my mouth to rebuke him but he begins to lightly scrape the blade up my left leg. I don’t take this lightly given the fact he carved into my ass not too long ago. The scar is still angry and red.
He slides back down and his face brushes over my breasts then my stomach.
"I've always loved the power a sharpened blade holds," his breath is warm against my thigh. "It can lightly scrape the finest hair from the surface of the skin, or it can pierce the flesh and spill its secrets."
The knife continues its ascent and he flicks it against the strap of my underwear where my thigh meets my core.
"Raiden..." I trail off, fear stealing my thoughts.