Page 91 of Ruthless Spring
IfIhadany doubts that I would be on death’s door by the time my contract is up, it’s eliminated by the fact that I’m being privy to so much Costa intel.
Everyone knows that once you know information about the mafia, you either keep your mouth shut or you die.
And if I ever get out of here, the first thing I’ll do is dial the FBI, the CIA, and any fucking news station that will listen.
Vito should have killed me when I told him to.
I glance over at him as we walk up to the same building that we met the seven quad gang in last time. Apparently, there’s another meeting to be had and I’ve been invited to said meeting. I can’t help but to wonder if I’ll see Diamond.
There’s something about the seven quad man that I find interesting, and the fact that he decided to tell me about the hit on my head has me wanting to know more about him.
The door to the building opens and two guards step out. They take in the whole group before escorting us inside. I follow behind Maximo, of all fucking people.
He seems calm today and I know that that it has to be some kind of trick, but at least he hasn’t been parading around calling me mouse while he torments me.
When we make it to the same meeting room as before, my eyes instantly go to Diamond. He’s reclining in his seat, twisting a toothpick around between his teeth. His brown gaze meets mine and a slow smile spread across his lips.
I look away from him, feeling another gaze on me. I find Diamond’s father, Dox, watching me. He’s wearing a thick leather coat that’s out of season and the silver rings on his hand make another appearance. His eyes track my movement as I take the seat between Vito and Giovanni.
When our gazes meet, he inclines his head to the side slightly, his lips pursing. He doesn’t say anything, but he studies me for a few beats longer, and I find myself growing uncomfortable under the close scrutiny.
Diamond clears his throat as he sits back in his seat, relaxing. His gaze moves to Maximo and if looks could kill, we’d have a double homicide on our hands.
“Maximo, we missed your attendance at the last one of these,” Diamond drawls, pulling the toothpick out of his mouth. “Could it be that your brother was hiding you away?”
Maximo offers him a fake smile, leaning back in his seat as he shrugs his shoulders. “It could be that he wanted to make sure I didn’t finally put that bul-”
“Have you spoken with the cartel again since our last meeting?” Giovanni asks, cutting his brother off.
Maximo rolls his eyes, but he doesn’t say anything.
He’s definitely a lot more subdued than usual today and I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or not.
Dox leans forward, folding his hands on top of each other. “No, Luis hasn’t reached out. I’m sure he’s heard that our alliance is stronger than ever.”
“Or he could just be reeling from the attack on his compound the other day,” Diamond dips in. His gaze flits to me for the briefest of moments before he looks at Giovanni. “Why didn’t you think to give us an invite to the party?” he questions.
Giovanni raises a brow, leaning on his elbow that’s propped up on the arm of the chair. “Didn’t think you’d want one.”
“But you went to the Damone family?” he asks. “I thought that your alliance with them was tentative.” His gaze stops on Vito and the corner of his lips quirk up. “I heard that there was a little scuffle a few weeks ago over your little prized possession.” And again, his eyes roam to me for the briefest of seconds, so quick that I almost miss it.
Vito sits up straighter in his seat, but he leaves the speaking to Giovanni. “It’s funny how you seem to always know so much about the families’ business, almost as if you’ve got a man on the inside.”
Diamond holds his hands out in surrender, amusement clear on his face “Of course not, you know the streets talk and I always have a free ear or two to offer when it does.”
Giovanni’s eyes narrow a fraction. “There was a scuffle, but it was nothing important, it was forgotten by the next morning. My father had a strained relationship with Lorenzo Sr., but I consider Junior to be a good friend of mine, inside and outside of business.”
I file that away in the mental map of family business that I’ve been working on. The Damones are good friends and Daria’s family isn’t big on the Costa family. Possibly because Maximo is clearly fucking his cousin.
A tightness pulls at my chest, and I shift in my seat as I look at Maximo. I find him already staring at me and when our gazes clash, he raises a brow. My face warms as I redirect my gaze.
“The business at the compound wasn’t anything that concerns our relationship with you guys,” Maximo finishes after a moment. “But I do need you for another purpose.” Giovanni’s attention moves from Diamond to Dox and from the clenching of Diamond’s jaw, I can tell he doesn’t like the show of disrespect.
“I’m all ears.” Diamond tilts his head to the side.