Page 92 of Ruthless Spring
“We need to get Luis to crawl out of his little hole. Apparently, fucking up his warehouse and his supply wasn’t enough, so we’re going to have to draw him out another way.”
“And how are you planning to do that?”
“I want you to spread the word that the Costas and Seven Quad are done working together.”
Silence permeates the room and a frown forms on Dox’s face.
“You think that’s going to bring him to me?” he asks.
“No,” Giovanni shakes his head. “But when you get word out to him that you’ve got a supply to help replenish his, I’m sure he’ll want to hear more about it. You’ll set up a meet and we’ll be waiting in the wings.”
“What’s in it for us?” Diamond asks and once again it seems he’s injecting himself when he doesn’t need to.
Dox turns his head, peering at his son, and Giovanni’s lips press into a thin line. Vito shifts his gaze between father and son while Maximo rolls his eyes, appearing to be long done with this whole meeting and conversation.
“We have an alliance, Diamond, that means when I come to you for help, you agree, because sometime in the future you’ll need the same from me.” The irritation in Giovanni’s tone is clear, and the tension in his shoulders is the exclamation mark.
“Seems like you’re the only one getting something out of this,” Diamond says with a shrug.
I glance beneath the table, watching as Giovanni’s hand crushes into a fist.
“What is it that you seem to want, Diamond?” Giovanni asks.
Diamond smiles, sitting up in his seat and leaning his arms on the table. “Easy, I want-”
“No,” Giovanni cuts him off before he can even finish his sentence and I look over at him in confusion. How does he already know what he wants- “You can’t have Winter,” he says, cutting off my thoughts.
Oh, I wasn’t expecting that.
I look at Diamond and he doesn’t deny that his request was me. My heart beats a little quicker in my chest and I’m not sure why. I don’t want to be with the Costa family, but I don’t want to be traded to anyone else either, gang or not.
“Well then, I guess we’re not going to help you. It was nice doing business with you, don’t let the door hit you on the ass.”
“Forgive my son,” Dox says, glaring at Diamond. “Sometimes he forgets that he’s not in charge yet. As much as we wouldn’t mind having your…” his eyes move to me, “mistress, we won’t bargain with her to help you out. We’ll do it because you’re right, one day we’ll find ourselves in the same situation and we’ll need your help.”
Giovanni gives a nod of his head and I guess mobsters and gangsters don’t believe in thank yous, because he rises from his chair. “I’ll check in with you in a week to discuss your progress,” he says as Vito and Maximo also rise from their seats.
Dox stands, giving him a nod in return and reaching out to shake his hand. Giovanni looks at his hand for the briefest of seconds, not taking it at first, before clasping the other man’s hand. His shoulders are tight and the look on his face isn’t exactly friendly.
Dox doesn’t take any offense, his gaze moving over to me once again. “Where did you say your mistress was from, Giovanni?” he asks while still looking directly at me.
“I didn’t,” Giovanni says shortly.
I press my lips together, rising to my feet and instinctively moving a little closer to Vito. When I realize what I’m doing, I move back in the opposite direction, pushing my hands down the side of my legs.
Dox hums before giving a shallow mocking bow. “Well then.”
“I’ll escort you out,” Diamond says, stepping forward and moving toward the door.
Giovanni frowns at the back of the man’s head but he follows him. Vito gives me a nudge to the waist and I move to follow Giovanni, but not before sparing Dox one last look. And yet again, he’s already watching me.
There’s something unnerving about the older gentleman that isn’t the same as his son. Something lurking behind his gaze every time he watches me that has all my hackles rising.
A form steps between us, blocking Dox’s view of me, and my gaze snap up to Maximo. He tilts his head to the side slightly, raising a brow. I take a deep swallow before turning around and following Giovanni again, my face hot.
The trip outside of the building is tense and silent.
Once we step outside, Diamond lights up a cigar, his eyes squinted slightly as he blows smoke in my direction. I take a step back. Vito moves forward, fanning his hand in the smoke and I read the irritation on his face loud and clear.