Page 35 of Perfect Pact
Chapter 7
Iwokeupseekingrevenge. Dusty Jacobs, the bearded charmer, isn’t going to get the last laugh today. No, sir-ee Bob. He’s not even going to get the first one. I made it my mission to make sure I was up and out of the house before he had a chance to hit snooze.
I tossed and turned all night thinking about Dusty and his next move. The “No Trespassing” sign hadn’t been predictable, but heading to Java Jitters to buy all the tarts? Totally predictable—and I’m going to beat him.
It’s all about playing smarter, not harder, baby—which is why I’m standing in line at the Sweet Spot! The line is almost to the door, but that doesn’t matter. I’m number seven, and as far as I can tell, their case is full and Dusty is nowhere in sight.
“Dusty, your order is ready!” someone calls from behind the counter.
“No way.” I crane my neck to see if Dusty is here or if someone else in this town shares the name of my enemy.
The line moves up, and the bearded charmer is still nowhere to be found.
“Dusty Jacobs!” the lady announces one more time. “Order’s up.”
This has to be a joke. There’s no way Dusty outsmarted me. My plan was fool-proof! I even called the coffee shop and bought all the tarts and told Jessie to give them to her first fifteen customers. I sacrificed the tart in the name of revenge.
So, if Dusty managed to come in here and buy up all these tarts, I may cut someone. A bearded someone to be exact.
“Last call for Dusty…”
“I’m here,” the familiar raspy voice calls out from the back of the line. I wish his voice was like nails on a chalk board. Instead, my body betrays me, remembering his hands on all over me and the low timber of his voice tickling my ear.
Dusty winks at me as he bypasses the line and makes his way up to the counter to pay.
“I swear to God…” I contemplate getting out of line, but what if that’s what he wants? Maybe there is no order. Maybe this is another one of his games. If I get out of line, the chances of me getting my treat are highly unlikely.
So, maybe he saw me leave, called up here, and charmed his way into making one of the employees go along with his plan.
I could kick my subconscious right now. How dare she doubt my conspiracy theory?
“Good morning, darlin’.” Dusty saunters past me wearing those sexy jeans I hate to love on him, a black Henley, and boots that are starting to get worn in. Don’t even get me started on his delicious smell.
I hate that I notice all the little details.
“I’m not your darlin’,” I bite back. “I’m not anything but your neighbor.”
“I have four boxes of raspberry lemon tarts that say otherwise.”
“Seriously?” My hands fly to my hips. “How do tarts say otherwise?”
“Because you thought of me before you went to bed and were still thinking of me when you woke up. These tarts, they prove exactly that.”
“Like hell they do.”Got me.
Dusty bites his bottom lip as he watches me.
“What?” I whisper-shout. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Why do you react that way to me watching you?” he teases.
“Because you make me feel…” I stop myself before I say something he’ll use against me. “Just forget it.”