Page 5 of Dangerous Seduction
Chapter Three
Mom and Hoshi decided to go out again. I figure they told Mr. Haruyoshi and he sent his grandson with them. I wasn't about to get involved in another verbal sparring match with him again. He leaves me feeling unsettled and odd. I'm not sure if I should trust myself and let my guard down with him or listen to common sense when it tells me this can only end badly for me.
I'm my mother's daughter - I understand what kind of people are in the organization his grandfather, and most likely he as well, are in. They aren't the Japanese version of the Girl Scouts. This isn't a philanthropic group of concerned citizens even though they do benefit the community when in times of great need. During natural disasters, they have often come through for the people suffering when the government has been tied up with red tape.
Still, it doesn't make it okay for him to try to tell me what to do when he isn't my father or...well, anything. He isn't anything to me. Even though sometimes he looks at me like he is hungry I seriously doubt he wants to commit to a relationship with me. And I can't do anything with someone who doesn't want that kind of long-term relationship. I know enough about myself to realize that much.
Mom asked me if I made him angry when he left and I lied. I told her he just realized he had to be somewhere else and was making apologies for not being able to stay longer. The last thing I want is for my mom to go off on his grandfather because I piss the grandson off. A knock on the door has me paying more attention than I was before. There is another knock soon after and I wonder if my mother has forgotten her key card.
I open the door thinking it is either her or one of the people at the hotel that works here. I am momentarily stunned when the man from earlier is standing in front of me. He didn't seem like he was harmful when I chatted with him and signed the shirt he had bought from me. In fact, it was kind of nice to talk to someone from America and made me miss home. Now though he isn't giving off such a nice vibe as he pushes against the door and forces his way in.
I am painfully aware I am alone and in nothing more than a robe as the door shuts swiftly behind the man. I open my mouth to scream not knowing if it will do any good or not but I have to try to alert someone to the trouble that just shoved its way through my door. A hand lands over my mouth before I can push out even a whisper of a sound. A hard body brushes up against mine and when I turn to look I see Akio with a gun in his hand raised at the man who just shoved his way into my room. And he looks pissed!
"Why would you want to cause Sakura any harm?" His voice is deadly and tells the other man that he will not hesitate to shoot.
The man looks as stunned as I am. "I...I wasn't going to hurt her."
"Really, what were you going to do? Other than scare the hell out of her." Where did he even come from? Where was he hiding that he could come out so quickly when he realized I needed help? Oh shit, I was naked just a second ago.
The man's stuttered reply jerks my attention back fully to him, "I...I just wanted touch her." Oh God. I can't hold back a whimper as I push myself further into Akio at the thought of this man doing something awful to me and not even thinking it is wrong.
Akio moves his hand down to my neck so that his hand encircles it and I have to bite my lip not to let the tears I feel coming escape. This is a nightmare and I don't know how to wake up. "Do you want me to spare him, Sakura?"
Oh fuck, is he asking me if I want him to NOT kill someone? I turn my head to look at him and his hazel eyes pin me down so that I understand that is exactly what he is asking me. He wants me to choose to kill or save this man. Who does that?
I wet my dry lips and realize I am shaking. "Yes." I don't think I can live knowing someone died because of me.
Akio's face is stony and empty of all expression but his eyes are on fire. He leans closer to me so he can whisper in my ear, "Beg."
What the fuck? He wants me to beg to save this man. But I'm the sick fuck because my nipples are the ones that are hard and sticking out making shadows and peaks in the silk of my robe. I'm the fucked up person who is getting hot at the words coming out of Akio's mouth. "Beg me, little Blossom."
"Please. Please," I make sure to look in his eyes when I ask, "don't make see...I don't want see...," the tears I was holding onto fall and run down my cheeks. Akio tracks one as it splashes on my bared chest and rolls into the valley of my breasts. I squeeze my eyes shut tight more to keep out the look in his eyes hoping that helps stop this maddening effect he has on me than because he is about to kill a man.
"Leave. And never come around her again or I promise I will hunt for you. I will come for you and end what started here. Now go."
The room is quiet for a second and I think the man has left but he hasn't. "W...what about her?"
Is this man stupid? Does he have a death wish? I feel the change in Akio, a tension that radiates from him like he is coiled to strike at any second. Why can't this man see that?
"What about her?"
The man just refuses to stop, "Well, you're here with a gun."
"She is no concern of yours and never will be. Does the rock hurt the water as it flows by? No! Now leave before I do something that will make my Sakura angry at me!"
He waits for the guy to leave before walking to the door and locking it. My body sags with relief that the situation is over. My stomach is rolling and I wipe angrily at the moisture still on my cheeks. He comes back over to the bed and sits with the gun still in his hand but draped over his knee now. His eyes watch me as I keep standing right where he left me.
"Is my mom alright? I mean since you're here with me?"
His eyebrow cocks up, "I sent her off with two of my grandfather's best men. He also said something about meeting up with her and your friend to have dinner together. So, yes, I assume she is safe and sound."
I wait for him to say something about me and how I'm not safe but he never does. We spend a full minute just looking at each other.
"What is that word you called me? You said it last night and again when you were talking to that man?"