Page 6 of Dangerous Seduction
"Sakura?" I nod, "It is Japanese for cherry blossom."
Cherry blossom. Cherry blossom? "Wh...what does that mean? You were talking about me, right?"
"It is a pet name. For a pet. And yes, it is all about you."
I bristle at the word 'pet'. It sounds like something sexual coming from him. "I'm a person, not a pet."
"And are you going to be? My person?" his eyes leave no room for doubt. He isn't just flirting he is full-on hitting on me, telling me he's up for whatever.
"You...we...I have to go home. In another country."
Hurt slams into me hard. Harder than I would expect. He isn't the first guy to make a pass at me. I just thought...well, it doesn't matter what I thought. "I'm not going to sleep with you. You're a stranger."
"Do you have to be friends with everyone you have sex with?"
Wow! I didn't think I could be any more hurt than I already was but he proved me wrong. Apparently he doesn't have to be friends with someone he sleeps with. He doesn't even really have to like them since I don't think he likes me very much.
"I'm not fucking someone just because...I'm not a hook-up or a fling or whatever you call it. So if you want to get laid why don't you go find one of those places to do it and leave me alone!"
"Watch your mouth. You are way too pretty to say such dirty words outside the bedroom."
"Fuck off!" The words just fly out of my mouth before I can think them through.
He moves so fast I don't have time to try to run away from him. One moment he is sitting on the bed and the next he is up and has me by the throat. My hands come up to cover his. He doesn't hurt me but it's enough that his hands are where they are. "In the past such disobedience was met with death."
Oh my God! I didn't think I had anything to worry about with him because of his grandfather especially not about turning him down for a quick fuck in a hotel room. His smile blooms across his face.
"I find I like hearing the word 'fuck' falling from your lips." He runs his thumb across my bottom lip as he leans closer, "go ahead and fight me, little blossom. The wind doesn't care how hard the petal tries to hold on. In the end, the wind always moves it where it wants it."
He turns and walks towards the door leaving me once again torn between being afraid of letting him too close and missing him when he leaves me. He pauses before actually stepping over the doorway. "Lock the door. Don't open it for anyone unless you know exactly who it is."
He's gone before I say another word. He made himself perfectly clear. If I stay here, he's going to try to get me to sleep with him. If I do there's no way I won't do something stupid like fall in love with him and wind up hurt. I just can't risk it.
When mom comes back to the hotel I tell her that I need to go back home tomorrow morning. She looks worried about me and maybe for me. "I'm homesick, mom, and I just want to go home. I...can't explain it but I just need to leave. As soon as possible, please."
"Alright, alright but I do want to tell Mr. H. thank you and give him a proper goodbye."
"No mom." Her eyebrows go straight up meeting her hairline. If she talks to the grandfather then he will speak with Akio and he will be able to figure out that I am running. I don't know what he'll do if he finds out, maybe nothing, but he might try to pressure us to stay too, and then all my willpower to fight this thing with us will be gone. I don't like lying to mom but I have to, "I spoke with Akio earlier and told him we were leaving and to tell his grandfather how much we appreciate all that they did. He says a note would be a wonderful way to say thank you and that he would make sure he got it."
It's not just Akio I'm running from. The encounter with the superfan also unnerved me. For the first time since I started doing this, I felt afraid and that is something I am going to have to deal with before I can upload another thing to my channel. This guy might have been only wanting to shake my hand and hang out for a few minutes more but he might have also wanted something more, something darker and that is what scares the crap out of me. And what happens when Akio isn't here to jump out of the closet and save me? Should I think about getting some security when I go back home? What does that even cost and where do you go to hire people like that? How many would I need?
It's all the questions that keep me up, tossing and turning all night while my mom sleeps peacefully beside me. I don't want her to know what happened yesterday. I don't want her to worry for me or to be involved and a little part of me feels stupid for all but letting the guy in because I didn't know any better. No wonder someone like Akio wants to fuck me but doesn't want to hang around too long afterwards. He must think I am a total idiot for doing something so stupid, especially after our talk about being aware of my surroundings yesterday.
As soon as the alarm goes off I have mom up and out the door. She leaves the letter for Mr. H. at the front desk and I keep waiting for someone to try to stop us from leaving but no one does. When the plane is in the air I feel somewhat better about being hunted. Maybe the guy who barged in yesterday won't be able to tell I left either and won't be able to find me once I'm back home on soil I know well.
Mom's mentioned several times that I look a little paranoid and she wants me to tell her what is wrong but I just keep giving her lie after lie and it doesn't feel good. I leave my seat as soon as I am able so I can make my way to the tiny bathroom to grab a moment of peace and talk to myself about why this is the way things have to go. I open the bathroom door and am about to step in when a hand in the middle of my back pushes me the rest of the way and shuts the door behind us. Arms wrap around me and pull me into a body that I am quickly getting used to being pressed up against.
Oh fuck, he found me. "You scared the hell out of me." He did too. For just a second I thought he was someone else. "And no, I am not running. I got homesick."
"Hmm, seems like you are running to me. You left the hotel without telling anyone."
"No, I left the hotel without telling you. Hoshi knew we were leaving early and so will your grandfather if the front desk sent the letter to him my mom wrote him. See, I'm not running." I purposefully leave him out of my list of people who needed to know. I can tell he catches on to the slight by the narrowing of his eyes. He's not happy about my omission.
The bathroom is so tiny that it is hard to fit both of us in it so there is no hope of me fighting my way through so I can back to my seat until he is ready to let me. He pulls me back and even though I squirm for him to release me he doesn't. "I thought it might be because you were afraid about what we talked about before." His hand drops to my hip to hold me still and his other comes up to grasp my neck something he seems to like to do. "I thought it was because you knew I would break through those walls you put up and get to you."