Page 1 of Fighting Fate
Chapter 1
"Professor Poopface can go straight to hell." Katie stopped next to her friend at the end of the line of the student union coffee shop.
"What did he do this time?" Amber asked pushing her translucent purple-rimmed Wayfarers up her nose.
As always, Amber looked like she’d just climbed out of bed wearing a pink tank top with two cups of cartoon coffee dancing under the wordsSleep Is for the Weak, a pair of purple capri sweatpants, and black flip flops. She topped it off with her black hair twisted up into a messy bun drooping off the crown of her head. Anyone else would have looked sloppy but Amber still looked better than half the girls who’d spent an hour primping. And certainly better than herself who didn’t have the time not to look like she’d just crawled out of bed.
Even a morning shower had become somewhat of a luxury since she started Professor Poopface's class last semester. The man couldn't go one day without piling on more work. He wouldn’t even wait until he'd lectured on everything they needed to know to finish one assignment before he moved onto the next. By the semester’s end, she'd have taught herself half the material heshouldhave taught her.
"He gave us two weeks to finish a three-week project," Katie explained as they followed the line forward.
"Over spring break?"
"Yeah. It's due the Monday we get back. Oh, and get this. If we don't turn it in that day, he's going to dock five percent for every day it's late."
"That's bullshit."
"That's Professor Poopface."
The line moved slower than normal. Or maybe that was just how desperate Katie was for a caffeine fix.Maybe I should get two. It would be a late night after all.
"At least we'll have a private room on the beach.” Amber threaded her arm around Katie’s elbow. “I'm sure you'll find plenty of time to get some work done."
The line moved again. Katie had hoped the second it took them to step forward would be enough for her friend to forget she hadn't commented.
No such luck.
"Wait.” Amber let her arm go. "You are going."
Katie cringed, not wanting to answer.
"Katie, no. Come on. You can't back out now."
"It's worth thirty percent of my grade. I can't afford to half-ass it in a motel room after drinking all day."
"That's easy enough to get around. Party a couple of hours at night. You can work on your project during the day."
"I don't know..."
Katie had too much riding on this class. Professor Poopface may have been Katie's personal pet name for him but this particular computer science professor had earned it with a reputation of being a hard-ass. And his multimedia and computer gaming class was the one most likely to weed out the slackers. Katie was no slacker. She’d finish coding her levels if it killed her.
"It's our last spring break together.” Amber’s whole body frowned.
"You know, you can still come on spring break with us after you graduate."
"Not if I move."
Katie dropped her head eyeing her friend over the top of her nonexistent glasses. Showing disapproval of Amber's cheap manipulation tactic. Maybe Amber would move too far away to come back for spring break but last Katie knew her friend hadn't made any decisions about what she would do or where she would go after graduation.
Thinking about the stress Amber probably had over her post-graduate decision eased a bit of Katie’s stress about having another year before she had to worry about it.
Who am I kidding?
Katie already worried about it. Maybe not as much as she would if she didn't have it figured out by this time next year.Oh, God! She better have it figured out by then.
The line to order moved one last time bringing Katie and Amber to the counter. Katie didn't even have to tell the barista what she wanted. Kyle, also known as her dealer, since she'd given him as much money for coffee as a drug addict paid for crack, knew her order by heart.