Page 2 of Fighting Fate
While they waited, next to the counter, for Kyle to call their names, Katie tried to come up with a way to make it all work. How to do the best on her project and have a real spring break. The reality was, even if she took her break, she wouldn't have any fun. She’d only be thinking about her game.
After grabbing their drinks, Katie followed Amber through the ever-shifting crowd, through the cafe to their usual table by the bank of windows overlooking the quad. The grassy plain was cut by four paths that ran diagonally from four corners. They ended surrounding the brick and rod iron clock tower in the center. Katie’s favorite view.
Once they were settled, Katie made it official. "I'm sorry, Amber. I can't leave. I've worked too hard in this class to fail now."
Even though it was obvious, by the deep crease between her brows, she didn't like Katie's decision, Amber accepted it. They'd been friends long enough, Amber knew, Katie put her work above everything.
"You'll still go out before we leave though, right?" Amber asked.
"I wouldn't but I already promised one of my residents I'd find a party for us to go to. But last I knew there weren't any. Everyone was saving their money for spring break."
"Not Tau Gamma Psi."
Katie groaned. "A frat party?"
"Come on! We haven't been since your freshman year. It’ll be fun."
Not that Katie's freshman experience with frat parties had been bad, it had just been a bit awkward. The guys had seemed so much older. She’d frozen up every time one of them hit on her. The age gap had certainly closed since then. Most of them would be younger than her now…Which could be fun. If only it was a different house.
"But Tau Gamma Psi? They have a reputation for being arrogant pricks."
"That's just Evan.” Amber waved her hand in the air as if to swat Katie’s worry away. “And he's not that bad. Besides, that's not the reputation you should be thinking about."
"I'm not going for a hookup.”
Even though a hook up was all the more commitment Katie could handle with her schedule, she hated them. The fun feeling never lasted and the walk of shame lived up to its name. On the other hand, she couldn't remember the last time she’d treated herself to that kind of fun.
"Come on," Amber said. "You're such a hypocrite. You're always harping on your residents to get out and have thecollege experience. How about, just this once, you take your own advice?"
Ouch. How did Amber do that? The entire reason she’d agreed to find a party for one of her residents was to give her the college experience.
"Besides,” Amber went on, “when was the last time you got laid? Those Tau Gamma guys are to die for and completely noncommittal. Go. Get laid. Start fresh tomorrow."
Amber made good points. Plus, Katie hadn't been to a proper party in so long. The floor parties at the dorms were fine. Good conversation. Great for bringing the residents together and keeping the peace on the floor but they didn't do much to ease personal tension. Very specific personal tension. The kind that had Katie wanting to rip the clothes off the next guy that gave her a second glance—no—at this point, a first glance would do.
Katie had done a great job ignoring that feeling. The ache between her thighs. Starving for attention other than her own.
Thanks, Amber.
"Fine," Katie said.
It was only one night. And once it was over, she'd have two weeks to finish her project. One of those weeks she'd have the campus almost completely to herself. She might even get done early.
Amber leaned over, grabbed Katie by the face and planted a firm kiss on her lips, punctuated by a loudsmack. "Awesome. I'll pick you guys up at eight.”
Katie loved her friend but she could do well learning a bit about personal boundaries.
"Nah.” Katie mopped the kiss from her lips with the heel of her hand. “Our dorm's only a couple of blocks from the house. We'll walk and meet you there."
"Don't you stand me up."
"With the pervy thoughts running through my head now because of you? How could I?"
Isaac grabbed a beer from the cooler on the porch relaxing as his palm absorbed the cold sweat dripping down the sides of the aluminum can. When he pulled back the tab, the can hissed and foamed at the mouth. Putting the can to his lips, he savored the ice-cold liquid against his tongue. Refreshing. Just what he needed after lugging half a houseful of furniture onto the Tau Gamma Psi’s front lawn.
"Where's the living room?" Evan waved a hand at the empty half of the lawn. "Get off your asses and get some God damned work done," he barked on his way up the concrete path from the street.