Page 3 of Fighting Fate
"Yes,Mom." Jake snickered behind his can of beer as he leaned against the porch railing.
Evan had been on them all day but had hardly lifted a finger himself to help get the house ready for the party. And still refused to acknowledge the work theyhaddone.
"How he got to be President…" Isaac enjoyed another swig of his beer.
"Ididn't vote for him," Jake said putting his hands up.
"Everyone says that, yet he still won."
The truth was, everyone voted for him. They all knew it even if they wouldn't admit it. Because without Evan—or rather, his daddy—they never could have afforded to party half as often or as hard as they did. And they certainly wouldn't be on their way to Cancun for spring break in little more than a week without him.
Yes, Evan was a dick. But he was a dick with a thick wallet and something to prove. Since no one else had his deep pockets, Isaac and his frat brothers were more than willing to let him prove whatever he wanted. Even if it meant being bossed around every now and then.
"You think if we got him laid, he'd chill the fuck out for once?" Jake asked, in no hurry to work up a sweat.
Isaac loved his brothers, well… like brothers. He'd have even gone to bat for Evan if he got in a jam. But as much as he loved them, he only trusted the rest of his frat brothers half as much as he trusted Jake. The tall, dark-haired, green-eyed lady killer who couldn't get a girls number to save his life. It didn't help that Evan was so well known for being an ass and the two of them looked all the world like real brothers. But his lack of luck with the ladies probably had more to do with him being allergic to deodorant. Literally. The guy just couldn't cut a break.
"If you think you can find the woman brave enough. Go for it." Isaac never would have said that to anyone else.
The screen door swung open and a couple of the other guys came out lugging an over-stuffed pleather couch between them. As if on cue, Jake and Isaac drained the dregs of their beers and got back to work.
"Just think," Jake said from the other end of the worn-out tweed couch they carried onto the lawn. "We've only got a couple more of these parties left before graduation."
"If that," Isaac said. "You know how tight Evan gets after spring break. I doubt he'll loosen up. Not exactly the sentimental type."
They set the couch down in the grass at a ninety-degree angle to the pleather one, exactly mimicking how they had been arranged inside. Soon, their guests would arrive to find the lawn an exact copy of what used to be the first floor of the Tau Gamma Psi house. Minus the electronics. Those were tucked away in the basement until the party ended.
"Who do you think will come tonight?" Jake asked on their way back inside to fetch the next piece of furniture.
"I don't know. Some of the pledges went outside the usual places to spread the word. With any luck, we'll get some fresh fish in this old pond."
"You going fishing?"
Isaac shrugged.
It had been a long time since he'd cast his line. Not that he didn't have plenty of opportunities. One of the reasons he hoped to see new people was to have an excuse to get away from the usual suspects that just wouldn't take the hint he wasn't interested.
Unless word reached deeper waters, he'd go to bed alone once again.
"Listen," Jake said. "You don't have to marry her. Hell, you don't even have to sleep with her but at least try to find someone to have fun with, for once. You have any idea how depressing it is to watch you mope in the corner with half a dozen girls crawling all over you while I strike out with every girl I even so much as make eye contact with? For fuck's sake, man. I can't win. At least, let me live vicariously through you and your conquests."
Isaac chuckled.
Maybe he would go fishing tonight. Not for Jake's sake but because there were only a couple of months left before graduation and he didn't want to regret not making the most of it.
Chapter 2
"You know, I wouldn't judge you if you wanted to go back and put on something more… party-appropriate," Katie told her floormate on their walk to the frat house.
"We can't all be blonde bombshells, Katie. I work with what I've got."
"You've got a lot more to work with than you give yourself credit for, Stephanie."
Katie wasn't just being polite. If Stephanie wanted to, the self-proclaimed hermit could have blown Katie out of the water. Especially if she wore that pretty yellow sundress with the low V-neck, instead of the baby tee and pair of jeans she’d worn instead. Not that she didn't look good in them, but Katie couldn't understand why Stephanie had asked to go to a party when she hadn’t planned on fully committing to it.
And if Stephanie wasn't fully committed, she wasn't likely to last long once they got inside.
With the house in sight, Katie put a hand on Stephanie's arm stopping her.