Page 12 of Fighting Fate
They'd know her if she was. Though, she could have been a spring pledge.
Only a couple of the chapters hadn't met their quota in the fall. Tau Gamma Psi and two others. Only one of those two had been a sorority and they'd already done a meet and greet. He'd have remembered Blondie the second she walked in the door if he'd seen her before. Unless that was where the weird feeling he knew her had come from.
I'm never getting drunk again.
"How many dorms are there?" Isaac asked.
"Too fucking many to go door to door. Face it, Isaac, she's gone."
"She's not gone. There has to be a way." Isaac pulled his phone out of his sweatpants pocket. He opened up the university's web page and started scrolling through the student directory. No pictures but maybe one of the thirty thousand or more names would ring a bell?
Ugh. Hopeless.
"The common areas. She has to eat. I'll hang out at the student union."
"You have classes. Your schedules could be completely different. Not to mention the crowds that go through that place. You'd be lucky to catch sight of her in the sea of people flowing through there on a daily basis."
And there was no place he could sit and see the entire space. He'd have to move constantly and risk missing her if she came in after he moved.
"Then I'll wait until everyone's gone on spring break."
"You'll what?" Jake sneered thumping his spoon into his bowl.
"It's the only other thing I remember. She's staying on campus over spring break to finish Professor Poopface's project. I can stay too and look for her." If only he could remember the kind of project it was. What kind of class it was for. That would at least narrow down which building her class was in. Then, maybe he wouldn't have to do anything so drastic.
No. This was the only way.
"The fuck you will. This is our last spring break."
"You don't understand, Jake. This is something I have to do. There's something about her. I can't explain it but…"
"There was something about your ex too."
Isaac froze biting the inside of his cheek to keep from slugging Jake in the jaw.
"Low blow, dude." Liquid metal coated Isaac’s tongue as he smoothed it over the sore in his cheek.
"Sorry. I just… I need you there, man. I can't do spring break on my own. No girl will look twice at me when I'm alone. At least when you're there I have a chance to pick up one of the dozen that can't hold onto you."
That tore at Isaac's heart. They were brothers and he should be there for him. He hated the idea of leaving Jake hanging but his best chance of finding Blondie would be when the campus was mostly deserted.
"Listen," Jake said. "How about this? You come with us on spring break and when we get back, we can spend our last two months before graduation and we never see each other again, looking for her."
Isaac scoffed rolling his eyes at Jake's over-dramatization.
They’d still see each other but this was their last spring break as brothers under the same roof. They’d have to move out after graduation when Jake got his architectural internship and Isaac moved on to get his doctor in physical therapy.
"Come on," Jake said. "You know it's a good idea."
"And Ishouldreward you since we know how rarely you get good ideas."
Jake thumped his fist against Isaac's bicep.
Isaac didn't want to wait those two weeks to see Blondie again but it was the right thing to do. For her, giving her the time to focus on her project, and for him and his last spring break with his brothers.
"Fine," Isaac said. "But don't you bail on me when we get back. I'm not letting this go."