Page 13 of Fighting Fate
"I got your back, bro." Jake punctuated his promise slapping Isaac on the back.
"Shit, I'm late," Isaac said when he saw the clock on the stovetop tick over to a minute after nine. His class started at a quarter after and he still hadn't showered. And boy did he need one. Maybe that was why Blondie left. Turned off by the heady scent of B.O. and booze.
Anatomy would have to wait. And unfortunately, so would Blondie.
Chapter 7
"What was I thinking?" Katie sat across from Amber at their favorite little bistro table in the student union cafe palming the sides of her to-go cup after telling her friend she almost stayed the night with Muscles.
"I don't understand the problem. It's not like you haven't done it before."
"This was different."
"I don't know. We just… He was so sweet and sexy and, my God, attentive." Katie recalled how they had moved together. In sync from the second he lifted her into his arms. Missing how he had held her close to keep her from being embarrassed by how turned on she'd gotten just from the sound of his voice. Remembering it brought back that heat between her legs.
Fuck. Even the memory of him was too much of a distraction.
"Are you going to see him again?"
Katie sipped her coffee.
She hadn't asked herself such an obvious question because the answer was even more obvious. No matter how good he'd made her feel, there was simply no room in her plan for him. She'd already lost one day of her two weeks—hadn't even started her project because she'd spent too much time with him already.
But Katie could see it in Amber's eyes, if she said she absolutely wouldn't see him again, her friend would never stop pestering her about it. Truth was, she wouldn't mind a second chance with Isaac. To finish what they'd started. If he even wanted to see her again after she denied and ditched him.
Whatever might happen, she didn't have time to worry about it now.
"Maybe after spring break." But then she'd have finals to worry about. "Or after finals."
Katie clicked the home button on her phone sitting on the table next to her coffee. "Shit. That lunch hour went by fast." Katie and Amber stood gathering up their bags before embracing.
"WillIever see you again?" Amber asked.
Katie shrugged and said, only half-joking, "not likely."
Chapter 8
Thursday morning, Katie walked out of the mathematics building and nearly tripped over an orange mesh fence and a detour sign. The path she usually took to the student union coffee shop had been blocked off for construction. Even though the sign had tomorrow's date on it.
If she'd only known, she could have planned for it and the detour that took her so far out of the way. She had no chance of making it to the coffee shop and to Professor Poopface's class on time.
Unless I could catch Amber before she got through the line and meet her on the way.
Katie kept walking as she dug her phone out of the front pocket of her backpack. She had the device in her hand and eyes on the screen, when she ran smack into a brick wall.
Katie stepped back. Rattled.
Not brick.
His shoulders shook with a short, quick laugh. "How… Have you always walked this way?"
"There's construction. I had to go around."