Page 71 of Fighting Fate
The seconds it took her to answer felt like hours. "No." She put the computer on the footstool. "I want to go. And who knows, maybe the change of scenery will give me a different view of this thing when we get back."
Isaac's heart flipped around in his chest. Even after everything they'd been through that week, he still feared reliving that day they ran into each other between classes. "Are you sure?" He had to be sure she meant it.
"Let's go right now." She spun around and stood between the chair and footstool. "Shit."
Here it comes.
"I didn't bring any clothes for going out in."
"Oh." Isaac breathed easy but only for a second before he admitted. "If it makes you feel any better, I can't afford to take you anywhere worth dressing up for." He tried laughing it off but his stomach ached waiting for her reaction.
"Well, what did you have in mind then?"
"You don't care that I can't take you out someplace nice?"
"I make myself sick on marshmallows. I'm a woman of simple and terrible tastes. Fast food and a movie would be fine with me."
As his body filled to the brim with joy, Isaac grabbed Katie's waist and pulled her back into his lap. Katie vibrated giggling as he peppered kisses up her neck, cheeks, over her eyes, across her forehead, and down the other side. When he reached her collarbone, found her chest heaving beneath it, his lips lingered without giving them permission to do so.
She'd showered but his scent, though faint, lingered on her skin. He'd never considered himself a possessive person but as he found himself, again and again, planting kiss after kiss down her sternum, his only thought wasmine.
Resting his lips at the peak of her cleavage, Katie said, "Isaac. Showtimes are coming up soon."
Grumbling, he buried his face between her breasts. She giggled again.
"Come on, ya horny brute." She stood then pulled his arm dragging him up with her.
"Horny brute, huh?"
"Yep. That's your new nickname."
"Okay, Sugar Tits."
"No." She spun on him putting a finger in his face.
"Hey. I'm just a horny brute doing horny brute things."
Katie growled narrowing her brows and pursing her lips. "Fine. I take it back."
"Nah." Isaac grabbed her waist as she walked around him. She squealed as he lifted her up and tossed her over his shoulder. "Horny Brute suits me just fine," he said smacking her ass as he carried her out of the room.
Chapter 37
After a noisy dinner in a crowded fast-food joint, surrounded by snot-nosed kids being scolded by their sleep-deprived parents, Isaac drove them to the movie theater.
Halfway there, he asked, "do you want kids?"
Katie choked on her drink. Covering her face hoping she could keep the pop from spraying out of her nose, she shoved the plastic cup and straw back into the cupholder.
"Notnow," he clarified. "Just, in general."
"Jesus, Isaac. That's the kind of question you ease into."
He shrugged slowing the car pulling up to a stoplight.
"It's just… Your face when that kid stopped at our table and asked if he could have your fries. Either you have the same relationship with fries as you do with marshmallows or dealing with children isn't something you particularly enjoy."
"I still can't believe you gave him your fries."