Page 72 of Fighting Fate
"I thought for sure that mom was going to kill me."
"Ha! I thought for sure she was going to strip you naked and fuck you right there."
The light turned green and he pulled through the intersection.
"Not that I blame her. It was really cute how you handled him." If it hadn't been a family establishment, Katie might have dragged him into the bathroom and fucked him stupid after watching how patient he’d been with the kid. He was going to be an amazing pediatric physical therapist.
"I assumeyouwant kids then?" she asked him.
He hesitated before nodding.
It was her turn to answer but she wasn't sure she had one.
"Kids aren't in my plan but…" She hadn't put a lot of thought into having kids considering a steady boyfriend or husband hadn't been part of her plan either. Now, after everything she’d been through with Isaac, she felt that could change. Maybe other parts of her plan could change too. "I'm willing to consider adding them to the list."
Isaac reached across the center console. Taking her hand, he laced his fingers with hers. Raising her hand to his lips, he kissed the back of her palm, then looked her in the eye a little too long. The way he looked at her, a look she couldn't quite decipher, Katie had trouble reminding him he should pay more attention to the road.
"You missed the turn." Katie pointed to the movie theater shrinking behind them.
Chapter 38
Isaac got very little out of the movie. He spent most of the time watching Katie. Getting much more entertainment out of seeing her laugh and wonder at the screen.
Maybe it had been a mistake to ask such a serious question so soon but it was important to him. And knowing what he did about her dedication to work and pretty much nothing else, he had to know.
She's willing to consider it.
Now, all they had to do was last long enough for her to consider it with him.
"Ms. Fosberg." A man with a salt and pepper beard greeted her from the back of the concessions line as they entered the lobby after the movie.
"Professor Willmott," she said to him then whispered to Isaac, "Poopface."
"I take it you've finished your project." Professor Poopface looked Isaac up and down.
"Quite nearly." Katie's grip on Isaac's hand firmed.
Isaac squeezed her fingers to reassure her he was there for her.
"Is that right?" The professor's eyes widened.
"Yeah. I played it. It's awesome." Isaac put his arm around Katie's shoulders.
"But not finished," he answered Isaac but kept his eyes on Katie.
Her stiff shoulders slumped under his arm.
If he could have gotten away with it and not completely ruined Katie's chance at a decent grade, Isaac would have put that asshole on his back. One solid punch in the nose would have done it.
"You're up," Isaac said when the line in front of the professor had cleared.
"Right. Well… I look forward to seeing the finished product in my inbox first thing Monday morning, Ms. Fosberg. Goodnight."
The professor turned and began placing his order as Isaac led Katie to the door.